Page 6 of Something Blue
"Of course, take all the time you need. I have things here locked down pretty good for now." She leans forward to give me a kiss on the cheek before whispering to me. "I want details."
Oh God!
I walk over to him just as one of the women from my mom's painting club comes in and eyeballs us. Color hits my cheeks hard. Sometimes living on the island sucks because everyone knows everything.
"How are you feeling?" Shit, how am I supposed to answer that with every ear in the store turned towards me? He must pick up on it because he pulls me closer to him and whispers to me, "You want to walk with me to the shop so we can talk?"
"Sure, that sounds awesome. Thank you." I follow him out of the store and both of us walk across the street.
Once we're in his shop and back to his office, he turns to close the door shutting the town out so that it is only me and him before asking me again. " are you feeling this morning?"
It's the second time he's asked. I guess I should be thankful that he cares enough to ask or to follow up the morning after. "Um, great I guess given what an ass I must have made of myself last night." I skate my eyes back and forth only briefly catching his eyes. "I'm really sorry about....," I wave my hand around trying to think of the right words to say, "everything."
"Don't." His word makes me finally settle and stare into his eyes. God, they are so blue and happen to match the color of his hair. "You don't have to apologize for anything."
I give him a weak smile. "I just wish...I could remember." He gives me a friendly nod showing me he understands. I'm not sure if he does or not but it's nice of him to try to make me feel better. But I don't know how to feel better about all the things I don't have memories of from last night. First touches, first...everything. I gave all those firsts away without thinking of them because I allowed myself to let my guard down for one freakin' night, "I just wish I could remember...losing my virginity."
I look back up at his face and realize I might have just made a tactical error. If the look on his face says anything I might have just blown all my chances of ever even talking to this man again for the rest of our lives. Great! Way to go, Charlie. Emotionally vomit all over the hot guy who took you home last night. What is wrong with me!?