Page 8 of Something Blue
"Call me Bastian." Only the people closest to me call me that. One of the last people beside Dirk who called me that was my mother.
"B... Bastian?"
Hearing it fall from her lips gets me more worked up than when I first got out of prison. It's that big a high, that huge of a release.
I spread her apart and find heaven. Holy fuck! If anyone knew this was between her legs they would try to take her away from me. I'm going to have to make sure everybody knows to leave her alone - that she’s mine. And the best way to do that....well, there are several but again these things should probably be done in a certain order. Right now, the one thing that I need to focus on is the meal laid out in front of me.
I fall to my knees and run my nose across the inside of her lips so I can fully take her scent in. "Bastian, what are you doing? What's going on?"
"I'm showing you the last thing you are is un-fucking-fuckable." I lay my tongue on her and she erupts on me. Her voice reaches a height I don't think anyone could replicate unless someone was going down on them for the first time. It's pure and innocent and at the same time the sexiest thing I have ever heard in my life. It's like I am listening to her become a woman right in front of me.
Her thighs lock up around me and her hands leave me to clutch onto the edge of the desk. Even at the height of her passion, she is thinking of others. She's gripping the desk so she doesn't grip me too tightly. She'll learn, I don't have a problem at all having her leave bruises all up and down my body.
"Bastian!" She yells as I bury my tongue in her little hole so I can get a taste of her hymen. She won't have it for long. I can practically feel the little membrane stretch and give just a little. Not too much even if the thought of having her innocence spreading across my tongue excites me. What the hell has she turned me into?
I've never thought about taking a woman with my fucking tongue and breaking her with it so I can taste the moment she becomes mine. I understand it's been a long-ass time for me, way before I went away to prison even but this, this need to claim her, is totally unlike me. Of course, I've never had someone like Charlie under me either.
I retract my tongue even though I want to dive back into that warm hole and take what is rightfully mine. I find her clit and start licking and sucking on it. And Charlie? She hasn't stopped crying and arching into me since my tongue first came out to meet her flesh. "Oh my God! Oh my God! Oh my...Sabatsian!"
Yes, I am her Sebastian. I will be her Sebastian for the rest of time. This woman doesn't just feel like mine, she feels like home - something I've never had before in my life.
She lets out a loud scream before her flavor sweetens and a rush of yumminess hits my tongue. Fuck! Me! Fuck me hard! I chase the taste until there’s no more left. Then I set to work to make more. Charlie pushes at me so I'll leave her alone but I grab her hands with my own and hold onto her.
There is a knock on the door and the handle rattles, "Boss, you alright in there."
Part of me wants to cover Charlie's mouth so no one else can hear her. Another part of me wants the whole fucking island to listen to what I do to her. I want them all to be aware of the fact that this woman is fucking mine. I don't know if Charlie hears the guy at the door or not but it doesn't slow her down or quieten her at all.
I pull away but only long enough to get the guys out of here, "Take thirty more minutes for lunch."
"Uh...uh...alright man."
I don't wait for him to leave before I go back to eating out this queen I found myself servicing. Men go to war for queens and I would blow a hole in the world for Charlie. I'll work to give her anything she fucking wants, anything her heart desires.
I push her until her body can't take anymore and gives me what I demand of it. She cries out and shifts her hips so that they come up off the desk. She pushes herself harder against my tongue as her legs start shaking through her release. "Oh my God, Bastian! Please!"
Having her beg me for the orgasm hovering right out of her reach makes me feel whole. Again this tiny woman makes me feel like I have come home...finally. Her taste floods my mouth again and I spend the seconds right after her climax cleaning her up with my tongue.
I finally pull back and get to my feet so I can take a better look at her. Her bright red hair is fanned out across my desk as her body goes through mini orgasms over and over again. This is the first step. Letting everyone, including her, know she belongs to me. I help her up and back into her shorts. It's me that snaps them into place closing off the little bit of heaven she gave to me for now.
I smooth her hair back and cup her face in my hands so I can look her straight in the eye. "You got to go back to your momma and I have some work here to finish up but I will be coming for you this afternoon, Charlie. After the wedding recital."
She licks her lips and keeps eye contact with me, "I, um, have the dinner thing tonight."
"I know. I'll make sure you're there but from the end of the recital to the dinner you’re mine. Got it?" She nods for me and I help her walk back across the street to her mom's. I told her I have things here to 'finish up' but that wasn't the whole truth. Oh, I have things that need to be taken care of before I pick Charlie up but it doesn't have a damn thing to do with this garage.