Page 38 of I.O.U.
“That son of a bitch. That fucking son of a bitch!” I flinch away from the phone, wincing at her shrieks. “How could he do that? That fucking bastard! I’ll kill him!”
“You will do no such thing,” I hiss, my hand cupped around the mouthpiece. “Listen to me. I think I know how to get out of here, but I’m going to need a little more time to get in good with this guy. I know he’ll let me go. But for right now, it’s important they think I’m you. I don’t want them to get their hands on you, too. Okay? Can you be careful for just a little while longer?”
“And they took you.” The rage has turned to sorrow, and the sound of it breaks my heart. “It’s all my fault.”
“Don’t do that. Don’t do that to yourself. None of this is your fault. And like I said, I really am fine. I’m in the lap of luxury over here, I swear to God. I’ll tell you all about it once I’m out. Just keep taking care of yourself, and stay the hell away from Greg. That’s why he hasn’t contacted you. Do you understand? He thinks you’re unreachable. Let’s keep it that way.”
“Okay.” There are tears in her voice again. “I love you so much. I’m so sorry.”
“You don’t have to apologize to me. I would do anything for you. You know that. Just hang in there. And I’ll call you again as soon as I can.”
I don’t hear the footsteps until it’s too late. “Delilah?”
Shit! I fumble with the phone and almost drop it before ending the call, then shove the receiver between a pair of throw pillows on the sofa. “You caught me,” I laugh before turning around to find Luca standing in the doorway. “Talking to myself.”
Meanwhile, the empty cradle is behind me. I can’t let him see it. He’ll wonder where the phone is, and then I’m screwed.
He looks around, puzzled. “What are you doing in here?”
“I was going to look for a book to read.” I lift a shoulder. “I need to find some way to pass the time, right?”
“You know, there are much better ways for you to pass the time. More fun, I mean.”
“You don’t like to read?” I bite my lip while taking a few short steps toward him. He needs to focus on me, only on me. I can’t have him knowing I made that call. I’ll lose all my privileges and go straight back to square one.
“I like to read,” he tells me. “Only when there’s nothing more fun to do, is what I meant.”
Oh, this is interesting. It’s like last night opened the floodgates. He’s not being all weird and demanding and forceful about it like he was before, either. Now there’s almost a playfulness about it. Sexiness. I can’t imagine women falling over themselves to get close to him when he’s like this—charming, devilish.
I, however, would not be one of those women. But right now, I have to pretend to be. This is my only way to distract him. And when I remember the way he made me feel in his study, it’s not that hard to get into it. I wouldn’t mind finding out what else I’ve been missing out on.
“Why don’t you close that door,” I suggest in a whisper. “And you can tell me more about these fun things you would rather do.”
“You know, I have work that needs to be done.” That doesn’t stop him from closing the door, though. Just like I thought he would.
“I need to be done.” It sounds so lame I want to flinch, but the narrowing of his eyes and his sharp intake of breath when I brush a hand over what’s so obviously growing under his belt tells me I didn’t do half bad.
And then his hands are on my hips, and he’s turning us around, then spinning me in place so I’m facing the door. “You little tease,” he whispers in my ear before running his tongue along the lobe. I close my eyes, sighing, melting against the door, against him.
He takes one of my hands and places it against his crotch, where he’s almost bursting from his pants. “See what you do to me?” he rasps, thrusting against my palm, while with the other hand he fondles my ass. “Oh, yeah. Just like that. Make sure I’m good and hard.”
He slides his hand up my side and takes hold of my breast. Instead of wanting to pull away from his touch I lean into it, arching my back to give him more of me.
“Tell me something,” he murmurs in between long kisses against my neck and ear. “Has anybody ever taken your ass?”
“No,” I tell him in a firm voice. It’s the truth, too. That’s one thing I’ve always managed to avoid.
“Then maybe I’ll leave it alone today,” he decides before nipping my earlobe and making me shiver again. “I don’t have the time to do it right. But I’m going to take it. I’m going to take every part of you, until there’s no chance of you ever forgetting me. Forgetting this.”
It’s not what he’s doing to my body. It’s not the deep, primal desire in his voice. It’s his words and the meaning behind them that make fresh wetness pool in my panties.
He wants me to remember him. He wants to stand out, to be special.
Just like I hoped. He doesn’t like the idea of passing me on to somebody else. It’s already more than he wants to think about.
“Give me this cock,” I whisper, squeezing him a little. “Give it to me, please. Make me come.”
There’s something helpless about the way he moans before pulling down my jeans without bothering to unbutton them. Once they’re around my ankles I hear his zipper, then feel his head sliding between my cheeks. He picks up some of my slickness and drags it through my crack.