Page 42 of I.O.U.
I can’t believe how much I care about this damn party.
I don’t know why, exactly. I guess it could be that I never had a prom. By then, both my sister and I had dropped out in favor of getting our GEDs later. Even if we’d been in school, it wasn’t like we could afford dresses or any of the other things. If anything, it was a relief to know I wouldn’t have to have the whole thing thrown in my face every day at school.
This is as close to a prom as I’ll ever come. A shame it’s a few years too late.
And then there’s the whole mafia family aspect.
I would probably be smart not to think too much about that. I doubt they’ll have, like, snipers on the roof or anything.
Oh, God. What if they have snipers on the roof? What if somebody tries to stage an attack or whatever they do in this insane world I’m suddenly part of?
I’m still not sure why Luca even wants me to come with him. I’m not hard-up enough for a fancy night out to actually want to do this. I didn’t appreciate him making it sound like I’m an idiot he can’t trust, but the fact is, I have no idea what I’m supposed to say. Maybe we can pretend I’m mute?
Is it too late to fake a stomach virus?
Breathe. You’ve got this. It’s nothing I can’t handle. Obviously, Luca views me as an asset, or why else would he have decided to take me with him? I’m sure he knows plenty of women. It’s not like I could get into trouble around here if he assigned somebody to look after me. For some reason, he chose me for tonight. That’s got to be a good sign.
“You look beautiful.” Teresa, the girl who has been working on my hair for the past hour while her team worked on my makeup and nails, steps back with a beaming smile. “You have gorgeous hair. I would love to create content with you as my model.”
“Thank you. That would be… fun.” Though it’s not like I’ll ever have the opportunity. I doubt there would be much of a chance for me to get a side hustle going while I’m locked in a brothel. I’m not going to stop trying to avoid that, but I’m not unrealistic, either. If there’s one thing my life taught me, it was how to be realistic so I don’t end up disappointed.
She knows what she’s doing, though. I touch a gentle hand to the stunning mass of waves and curls she’s arranged high on my head. I feel like a goddess, which is what Teresa was going for once she got a look at the dress I chose for tonight.
I couldn’t resist after I first tried it on. I knew it was the one. Shimmering silver fabric cut in a deep V in the front and back. The sides hang open, but a sheer bodysuit cleverly concealed under the dress only gives the illusion that I’m about to reveal too much. No matter how I move, I’m covered. Between that and the slit that ends halfway up my thigh, it’s maybe the sexiest thing I’ve ever worn.
I’m sort of glad Sera decided she didn’t want to wear a dress that fell off the back of a truck. I hope she doesn’t mind now that I’m kinda sorta stealing it.
“Thank you so much,” I tell Teresa, who’s still completely enamored while making last-minute adjustments. “I would tip you, but…” But I have no money and I’m not allowed to, either.
“Don’t worry. Mr. Bruno has taken care of everything.” She and the other girls get their things together quickly and efficiently before heading out. I’m sorry to see them go. I almost felt normal for a minute, sitting with the girls, listening to them chatting about nothing all that important. It was the first taste of normalcy I’ve had since I got here. I felt a little less alone.
Oh, well. No sense getting all mushy about it now. Instead, I step into the dress now that I’m alone and admire my reflection in the full-length mirror.
Who is that girl? She can’t be the girl whose daily uniform not that long ago was a t-shirt and cut-offs. The girl who shopped for most of her clothes at Goodwill. Here I am, wearing a dress that must have cost hundreds or even thousands of dollars—if somebody actually paid for it, anyway.
Now that I know the shoes were new, I picked out a pair of strappy silver heels. They add a few inches to my height and make me look, dare I say, regal.
The one thing I don’t have is jewelry. I guess Luca didn’t think about that. I didn’t want him thinking I’m trying to steal something, so I didn’t bother mentioning it. Maybe I’ll say something once I’m with him. He might’ve kept something of his mother’s or sister’s around. Otherwise, I sparkle like a diamond thanks to the dress alone. This is already better than I could’ve imagined.
There’s a sharp knock at the door around a few minutes to eight. “Are you almost ready?” I didn’t expect Luca to come to my room. I figured we’d meet downstairs in his study since that’s where he almost always is.
“Yes, just about. Come on in.” I can’t believe how fluttery my stomach feels all of a sudden. Like this is a real date. Maybe he’ll give me a corsage and try to feel me up in the car on the way. I have to get it together.
Unfortunately, that’s pretty much impossible once Luca steps through the door wearing a tuxedo and looking like sex on two legs. Even more so than usual.
I can’t believe the impact he has on me. He shouldn’t, right? I hate him. He’s vile. Heartless.
Only he isn’t either of those things. Not entirely. He only thinks he has to be that way because it’s how he was taught.
What is wrong with me?
He hasn’t said a word. I don’t think he’s breathing. He certainly isn’t blinking. “Luca?” I murmur, staring at him. “You okay? Oh, no, was this the wrong dress? There’s a bunch more I could choose from.”
He holds up a hand, blinking slowly, his mouth falling open. “Just the opposite.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means… damn.” He barks out a short laugh, looking me up and down. “You’re exquisite. Really. I’m at a loss.”