Page 8 of I.O.U.
Something tells me men in their line of work like to be as careful as possible. He would’ve asked if he’d known to ask.
Luca’s smirk turns into a full smile that would be gorgeous if not for the soulless man wearing it. “Delilah. I like that. It suits you better than Deanna, anyway.” His gaze lowers, landing on my boobs and staying there. “Delilah’s lush. Sexy. It’s the perfect name for you.”
“Thank you.” It came out sarcastic in my head, but coming from my mouth it’s more of a breathy whisper. I can’t help it. He’s overwhelming in just about every way possible. Too big, too muscular, too polished. His energy is thick enough to choke me while his cologne makes me want to bury my face in his neck. Definitely the last thing I need to ever do.
He straightens up, putting his crotch level with my eyes. He’s already hard or getting there. I have no choice but to swallow back my distaste. What’s worse, his smugness or the fact that I have no choice in any of this if I want to protect Deanna?
“Well? It’s not gonna suck itself.” Oh, boy, a comedian. How did I get so lucky?
I don’t have a choice. If I’m going to sell this, I have to do as I’m told.
So I reach out, taking his belt buckle in my hands. I work it slowly, like I’m teasing him. He lets out a dark chuckle and reaches out to run a hand over my hair—I flinch away at first but then force myself to relax. I can’t screw this up.
Slowly I lower the zipper, a centimeter at a time, glancing up at him and meeting his gaze. My heart skips a beat and goosebumps rise on the back of my neck. This is a magnetic man. A hypnotic man.
The sort of man who could make a girl forget everything she believes.
Focus. Swooning over his sharp jaw isn’t helping. Luca wraps my hair around his hand. Reminding me he’s the one with all the power. “Go on, Delilah. Show me what you can do.”
I swallow back the lump in my throat—it’s probably my pride—and dip inside his shorts.
The sharp knock at the door makes me jump. Luca falls back half a step and zips his pants a split second before the door opens. “Sorry to interrupt, but we have a problem.” Luca’s errand boy doesn’t look at me. I might as well not be here.
Luca glances at me with a scowl. “Get her out of here.” I wish my heart wouldn’t leap the way it does when he says it, since I know he doesn’t mean to let me go. He only wants me out of the room.
Errand Boy crosses the room in a few long strides and takes me by the arm. He doesn’t bother being gentle, yanking me to my feet and hauling me to the door. I look over my shoulder at Luca, who’s buckling his belt, grimacing and muttering curses.
I don’t know what’s so urgent, but I don’t think I’ve ever felt this kind of relief. It doesn’t even bother me that the hand around my arm is tight enough to hurt.
Almost. I glare at the man dragging me down the hall but know better than to remind him I can walk just fine on my own. He deposits me in the entry hall and flags down a man dressed in black—they’re all dressed that way, like a uniform or something—and orders him to show me to the library. “Guard the door,” he adds before turning on his heel and marching away. His shiny dress shoes click against the wood floor, reminding me of gunshots.
“Come with me.” I follow my new guardian down yet another hall. This place is a maze. I doubt I could find my way out with a map and a compass. We end up in what looks like a library, a room with three walls covered floor to ceiling in books. It’s enough to make the breath catch in my throat.
“Sit down.” It comes out more like siddown. “Boss’ll be with you in a minute.” Somehow I doubt that. Things seemed pretty tense back there. I mean, the guy was willing to pass up on a blowjob, and he was beyond ready for one. I can’t help wondering what his dick looks like without cotton covering it. What it would feel like in my hand, in my mouth.
Like any other dick, for God’s sake. I sit on one of the leather sofas and my guardian stands outside the door like he was told to do. A bunch of soldiers following orders. And Luca Bruno expects me to fall in line, too.
I’m glad to have a moment to myself, anyway. I need to straighten this out in my head.
Obviously, Luca’s not going to let me off the hook. I figured that out right away. He puts on a show, pretends to be a man who cares about business and has principles and all that. Underneath, he’s a monster ready to chew up and spit out everyone around him. Once he’s gotten all he can get out of them.
He would do that to Deanna. There’s no doubt in my mind. If she made a lot of money he’d find a way to keep her around indefinitely. I know that, too. He’d collect the money she made and never think about her. I don’t want to imagine how many girls are in that exact situation right now.
I won’t let that happen to her.
I won’t let it happen to me, either.
But what’s the alternative? Confessing the whole thing? Yeah, I’m sure we’d sit back and have a big laugh over it. Mistaken identity, ha-ha, how hilarious.
Oh, my God. What if he wanted both of us? Twins would earn double the money, and I know for a fact there are plenty of men out there who’d love nothing more than to sleep with a pair of twins. Like a fantasy or something.
So that’s out. He can’t know.
What about Deanna? She’s back at her apartment, waiting for me to return with the food. I’ve been thinking about nothing but her, but I forgot the here and now. What will she think if I never come back? What will she do?
There’s a phone sitting on one of the end tables, a cordless landline. My guard is out in the hall with the door open only a crack. I have Deanna’s number memorized—it’s the only one, since she’s the only person in my life I care enough about. If I can call her, I can at least give her instructions on what to do. How to get the money out of my bank account when she needs it, that sort of thing.
I slide across the couch, one eye on the door, my heart pounding hard enough to make me sick. But then everything about this makes me sick. I pick up the receiver, moving slowly, being as silent as possible. The buttons make noise when I press them, but it’s not loud enough to alert the guard.