Page 54 of Who's Your Daddy: Complete Season 1
The room was huge and dark, with lots of nooks and crannies. Along one wall a stage was lifted, with a tattooed DJ spinning. He was a whir of motion, sampling from different albums in a way that had the crowd buzzing with electricity. He created a sultry sound that had a bass thudding underneath our feet like a heartbeat.
“Someone owes me a dance,” Janus said, snatching my hand from Milo’s and pulling me onto the dance floor. He urged me close to him and yes, well, ahem… he hadn’t exactly dealt with the problem I’d created earlier while teasing him with my sumptuous desserts. He was stiff and growing stiffer the more he—
I gasped as he spun me so that my ass was right against his almost fully hardened cock. His hand splayed across my tummy as he pulled me against him, and it made my sex clench at the memory of him inside me on the beach.
“We haven’t had a chance to talk,” he whispered in my ear. He drew my hair back from my neck. “About the things we said to each other. But I meant what I said, baby. I love you. I’m in this for real. Not just for a job, or a convenient fuck. I want you for you.”
I blinked, unprepared for the assault of emotions his words brought. Though maybe I shouldn’t have been. Because I should have prepared myself for this, for what I’d say whenever he and I did get time alone. My emotions were all so spun up when it came to these boys.
But with Janus so firm behind me, his commanding hands on my body, those hands that knew how to bring me such exquisite pleasure out of even more exquisite pain… the likes of which I’d bet we’d only begun to explore… my brain just spun and spun on a faster hamster wheel.
Out of all the boys, he’d always been the quickest to vulnerability, to pursue me, to be honest about what he was pursuing.
Was it really me he wanted, though? Or was this all about some rivalry that had existed long before me and would be there long after I was gone? Was I just some… playing field for their games? I cringed.
I spun to look over my shoulder, praying I’d find an answer in Janus’s eyes. But his head was dipped down, and then I felt his lips on my neck. It tickled because of his fake mustache, making me giggle. He looked up and our eyes caught. My heart seemed to hiccup in my chest.
How could I deny what I felt for this man? His hands were suddenly at my waist. Then I was spinning again so that I was facing him. He leaned into me with the beat of the music, his hips notching neatly against mine so that again I felt him hard where I was soft.
He always made me feel so small and womanly.
And then he moved me to the music. I went liquid to his firm, commanding lead.
It was so sensual. His grip at my hip, the other arm around my back. The fancy club, the foreign locale, all of it dropped away in the embrace of Janus Mavros.
His eyes searched mine, and then his grip whipped me close so that we were pelvis to pelvis again. “Tell me,” he demanded. “Did you mean it? When you said you loved me?”
I started to confess the truth in spite of the consequences. Whether he and his brother were playing games or not. “Janus, I’ve felt so con—”
“May I cut in?” Leander asked, suddenly appearing at our sides out of nowhere. But then, I supposed Janus had sucked me into a bubble apart from the world. I was so befuddled at Leander’s sudden appearance, though, that I let go of Janus’s neck.
Which Leander took as permission to whisk me away from Janus, deeper into the crowd.
“Wha— Leander! I was dancing with your brother!”
Leander didn’t say anything for several long beats. He didn’t thrust our pelvises against one another like his brother had. No, instead, he gently grasped both of my hands in his, then made his arms into a frame close to his body, drawing me near.
“Everything’s been so busy lately. We haven’t had the time alone I’ve wanted.”
I glared up at him even as my body responded to his closeness and command. My feet fell into step with his without me even thinking about it. It was like… well, it was like fucking. We weren’t doing fancy dance steps or anything, just moving back and forth. But it had some rhythm to it that I’d screw up if I thought about it too much.
So there was nothing to do but lean into Leander and abandon myself to it. “Janus and I were trying to have a conversation too. Look, I don’t know how this is all supposed to work yet, but maybe instead of each of you trying to corner me, we could all talk together out in the open?”