Page 19 of Their Broken Tears
“Hey, breakfast is going bad! Get up lazies!”
“It was probably bad already.” Jasmine grumbles.
Her words quirk a smile. “I’m hungry.” I declare, tossing part of the blanket to Jasmine to help me fold. “Get up! No wasting away!”
She groans, flopping around for a moment, before sliding slowly from the couch onto the floor, like slime running down the wall until she’s a puddle on the ground.
“Drama queen.”
She laughs, popping to her feet, and grabbing the other end of the blanket off the couch. We corner the material into sections, then toss it onto the seat.
“Let’s go see what monstrosity Jace cooked up before he comes in throwing a fit again.” Jasmine bumps my shoulder and starts for the door.
“Hey, babe,” I begin before she can get too far. I’m nervous about bringing up her mom but don’t want to ignore a potentially serious issue. “Are you doing all right after yesterday… with your mom?”
She remains with her back toward me for a moment. After taking a deep breath and straightening her shoulders, she turns to face me. It takes a moment for her to meet my eyes, swallowing hard, but then nods.
“How long’s this been going on?” I edge into the hard questions.
“A while. But it’s nothing I can’t handle. I was just embarrassed.” She glances up again. “I’m sorry you had to see that.”
“Are you kidding me? You should have told me. I don’t know how we can fix it, but I’m here if you need me. I love you, Jaz. I don’t want you to go through something like this alone.”
Her eyes reflect the light and glisten as she smiles. “Thank you, but I’m not alone. Jace steps in, so Margret doesn’t bother me when he’s around.” That explains why they’re together more often than not. Them being twins is a big part of it, but they’re attached at the hip most of the time. My heart swells at his protective instincts. “Anyway,” she changes the subject, “let’s go eat before they finish everything off.”
I tuck my arm in with hers. Jasmine is the best friend everyone wishes they had, and I’m lucky enough to be the one to have her.
We head downstairs, Jasmine bouncing down them like a toddler next to me. Once we reach the bottom, the smell of bacon and eggs hits us. My stomach rumbles so loud, Jasmine’s eyes widen as she looks at me and laughs. We walk into the kitchen where both Jace and Alex have set themselves up at the bar, shoveling food in their mouths.
“Buenos días,” Alex greets, careless of food falling from his gaping lips.
“Hey,” Jace glances at his sister and then me. An entire conversation passing between the twins.
“Morning,” Jasmine and I chime simultaneously.
“Did you save us some?” Jasmine asks, snagging a piece of bacon off her brother’s plate.
If I tried to touch Alex’s plate, I’d probably lose an arm, but Jace only smiles at Jasmine, adoration shining in his eyes.
He jumps up and moves to the counter. “Of course. What kind of loving brother would I be if I didn’t save you any?” He winks and hands her a plate of food. “I saved one for you too, Mare.” He pulls another plate stacked with food from the warm oven.
“Yes, please.” As I take the food and our fingers touch, energy zaps through my veins, causing a shocked gasp to slip free. The fight of my life has begun to not close my eyes and sigh in pleasure. “Thank you.” Was that my voice? All soft and breathless. Jeez, get a hold of yourself before everyone notices.
“You’re welcome,” he replies. His voice lowers seductively, holding my eyes longer than necessary. He noticed. He most definitely noticed. His dark and sultry expression is promising all kinds of?
“Hello, Marisol?” Jasmine’s staring at me funny. “Are you all right?”
“Um, yeah. Sorry.” I shake my head, casting a sideways glance at Jace, only to find him still watching me with a smirk on his face.
The weekend flies by and before we know it, Sunday has arrived. Jasmine and I kept busy, running around to stores, and shopping for whatever catches our attention. Jace and Alex have been MIA with their friends the rest of the day, doing whatever guy things they do together.
Our laughter is silenced as we walk into the next store. A shrilly group of girly giggles echoes throughout the store. Jasmine rolls her eyes as soon as we see her… Molly Masters. One of the most popular girls in school, and someone neither one of us can stand. Every time she sees Jace, she’s all over him, and the thought sours my stomach. Jace wouldn’t touch her if she were the last person on earth. At least that’s what he says, but I know how guys are. Say one thing and do another. I’ve overheard my brother on the phone enough times to know what those two are like when they go to parties.
“Let’s get out of here,” I murmur to Jasmine. “Molly and her crew drive me up the wall.”