Page 26 of Their Broken Tears
Shane glances between us, waiting for an explanation that he’ll never receive, as I shrug a shoulder and turn around. Jace’s words were clear enough. I’m not interested anymore, not in the least. My whole being has gravitated towards one person and he’s now laid claim in the best panty-melting way.
The rest of the class drifts by, living on Jace’s words, as if floating on a cloud of elation. The ridiculous girl inside of me hasn’t stopped squealing in that high pitched tone; the one where people around you roll their eyes at your annoying antics.
Once the bell rings, Jasmine nudges me back to reality, and we collect our things. Typically, Jace is out the door before us, but he’s lingering close, waiting on us.
As we enter the hall, Jasmine splits off, saying her goodbye and going to her next class, ditching me with Jace. Our pace slows as he walks with me in silence to my locker, leaning against the metal doors, and waiting for me to trade out my books.
As if our paths have never crossed, I’m nervous as hell around him. My hands are shivering, my palms sweating. I want to wipe them on my pants, but I’m worried he’ll notice. I finish tucking my old book away and grab another, but dread closing my locker.
As soon as the metal clicks together, his presence calls to me. My eyes drift up his body, slowly, and when I finally face him, he has the same look of awe that’s balled in the pit of my stomach. The intensity steals my breath away.
“Thanks for helping me out of those plans.” Evasion is the best tool in my arsenal and I’m using it to avoid everything that’s tightening around us in the atmosphere. The tension is almost opaque in the air.
He tilts his head, hair falling across his forehead, causing my fingers to twitch. “You’re welcome.” He pauses for a moment, rubbing the back of his neck. “Hey, listen… we could hang out after school. I mean, so we wouldn’t be liars and all.”
I laugh. “Don’t you have practice today?” I know the basketball coach is really hard on them.
“Shit, I completely forgot. Raincheck?”
“That’s two now,” I warn. “You’ll owe me.”
He leans in closer, touching his cheek to mine, and nuzzling. “I have no problem with that.”
In an instant, things go from light and airy to thick and steamy. My childhood friend has transformed overnight into some sort of sex God. His body pulling me like a magnet, nearly forcing me to slam against his chest and climb him like a spider monkey. My loca thoughts have my head in the clouds, so when Jace pulls back and smirks, then walks away, I don’t stop him. I should set the record straight, deny this crazy tension, but I’m frozen, standing in the hall, resembling all of his other conquests; dumbfounded and completely helpless against his allure.
The last bell of the day rings and I can’t get my ass out of this place fast enough. I don’t bother putting my books and papers in my bag as I rush out of the room, running directly into who I’m trying to evade?Jace.
“Whoa! Where are you off to in such a hurry?” He steadies me, then bends down to pick up the papers I’ve dropped.
“N?Nowhere,” I stutter, trying to gain control of the ramped emotions coursing through every fiber of my being. “What are you doing?”
He tucks his hands in his pockets nervously, but still as confident with himself as ever. I wish I could handle myself better than this blubbering mess I’m turning into every time he’s close.
“I was hoping to catch you and see if you wanted to?”
“Hey! What are you two doing?” Alex interrupts. “Aren’t you supposed to be at basketball practice?”
“Yeah, heading there now. I ran into Marisol on the way.” He turns to me. “See you later.” It’s not a statement, but a promise.
There’s a daze to my nod as Jace turns and walks back down the hall, while my brother glances between the two of us, already noticing more than he should.
After Jace turns the corner, Alex’s eyes narrow and lock on mine, holding them hostage. I know one thing for sure, my ninja skills need honed. If he suspects anything from the weirdness he just witnessed, he chooses to ignore it. “I’m heading out with Carlos for a while. Will you tell Ma I’ll be home after dinner, probably around nine? I already messaged her, but you know how good she is with her cell.”
Instead of the laughter he hoped would distract from his comment, it’s my turn to interrogate. Carlos is Alex’s friend from the other side of the tracks. He lives in a rough neighborhood on the opposite side of town, and I’m pretty sure he’s in a gang. “What are you going to do with Carlos?” Alex doesn’t need any of that trouble.
“None of your damn business.” The quick reaction is the biggest tell that he’s up to no good.
“I mean it, Alex,” my voice softens, “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
He steps forward, the hard angles of his face softening. “I know. We aren’t doing anything wrong, just something I don’t want you involve in.” His smirk tells me it’s more than likely girls. Unlike Jace, Alex would never bring me with him when he goes out with his girlfriends.
“Fine. But if I find out you’re lying, you’re in deep mierda,” The warning isn’t hollow. I’ll kick his ass, and that’s before mi papá gets ahold of him.
He laughs at the threat of my kitten’s wrath. He’s already a full foot taller than me; there’s no comparison who would win in our tussle. “Sure.”
I turn around, not wanting to argue with him. “Gilipollas,” I murmur, asshole under my breath.
Alex laughs and waves as he turns around. “Don’t forget to tell Ma for me.”
I roll my eyes in response. He needs knocked down a peg or two.