Page 5 of Their Broken Tears
Even though I’m a year older than Alex, he’s already a good foot taller. I’m surprised with as much as he eats. He’s still so skinny. I used to call him a beanpole when we were little, just to make fun of him, but he’s also my rock. Whenever I need someone, it’s not my parent’s that I run to, it’s him. He always knows how to make everything better.
“Thank you,” I whisper, leaving him with his sandwich.
For the next couple hours, I worry. I know she’ll want a little space from the embarrassment, but I’m going to call until she answers to see how she’s doing. Carrying a burden like that can really mess with a person. Is that how her mom treats her all the time? Our mother has always pampered Alex and me, even the twins, when they’re over. It’s no wonder they enjoy being here instead of in their own home.
After showering, I head to the kitchen, where I find Alex putting together another sandwich.
“Where do you put all that?” I ask.
He smirks. “Into these guns.” He holds his arm up and kisses the bicep.
“You’re so lame.” His cheesy line forces the roll of my eyes, as I slide into the seat at the counter, and watch his master chef sandwich skills.
“We have alternative plans tonight. I don’t know if you had any, but whatever they were, they’ve changed.”
“Oh, and why is that?”
“I spoke to Jace. He asked about Jasmine coming to hang with us tonight, so I figured you could come too, and keep her company.” He slides his plate around the counter. “You want one?” When I decline, he continues forward and takes the seat next to mine.
“That’s fine. I was planning on calling her later, anyway.” I pause. “How long do you think this’s been going on?”
“Longer than we think, I bet. We’ve always known their mom played favorites, ignoring Jaz and gushing over Jace. I’ve heard Margret make snide comments, but they’re definitely hiding the complete truth, even from us.” My brother taps his foot, disliking the idea of Jasmine being mistreated, and them hiding it from us. He fidgets when he’s irritated; and right now, the entire table is shaking from his bouncing knee.
“Yeah, I was worried about that.” He grunts in response.
“Where’s Ma?” I ask.
After he finishes chewing, he answers, “She went to the store. She said she’d be back in a few.”
“Okay. Well, I guess I should go get ready then.”
Although part of me knows they will fill the party with irritating people, getting an early start on candidates for the upcoming dance is a good idea. I’ve never cared for most of the students that attend our school. The only topics that interest our student body are drinking, and who’s hooking up with who. Me? I don’t have time for that sort of thing. I’m in my junior year and working my ass off to get into a good college. I don’t know which college I’ll end up at yet, but I want to have options, and the best way to do that is to earn as many as possible. The University in our area—which is in my top five choices—invited me to tour this weekend, and I’m going to accept their offer.
“¡Vámonos!” Alex beats on my door and yells for me to hurry.
“Hasta luego.” He walks away, leaving me behind.
I rush down after him, yelling to Ma that we’re leaving. As I get out the door, I see Jasmine and Jace are already waiting for us by our car. My loving brother glances over his shoulder with a knowing smirk on his face. He knew I’d run to catch up.
I murmur, “asshole,” under my breath as I pass Alex, but apparently not quite enough since Jace and Jasmine laugh. The pouting smirk covering Alex’s face has me laughing right along with them.
“Oh, get over it,” I toss the sarcastic words over my shoulder as Jasmine and I climb into the back seat.
Alex gets in and starts the engine, turning his playlist to shouting volume. “You want to go to the store first?”
We all nod. I want to get some water, and if the past is any indicator, so will Jasmine. The guys will get junk food for later.
We’re in and out of the store quickly and, as predicted, Jasmine and I carry bottled waters, while Jace and Alex have two bags stuffed with candy, chips, and who-knows-what. They’re gross. Plus, I hate they can eat anything and not get fat. I hope he gets a junk food gut.
We speed down the road to one of their random friends’ house. As soon as we enter the front door, Molly Masters plasters herself to Jace, and some brunette does the same to Alex, pawing all over them like they’re up-and-coming rock stars. Give me a break. Jasmine grabs my hand and tugs me towards the kitchen where the drinks and keg are stationed.
“Are you sure you want to drink, Jaz?” I ask. She never drinks. “You okay?”
Her eyes soften at my concern. “I’m good, Mare. Just need to forget for a little while.”
I can see the sincerity in her eyes, and I accept the cup she offers. Getting drunk with my bestie is the least I can do to help her through this bullshit.