Page 57 of Their Broken Tears
Chapter Twenty
Both Jace and Jasmine are absent from school today. Worry laces my thoughts. Since our separation yesterday, I haven’t spoken to either of them. Jace isn’t sick unless he suddenly came down with something. After lunch, I shoot him a quick text. Subconsciously realizing that I’d normally text Jaz and can already see our dynamic shift.
Marisol: Where are you two? Is everything alright?
Jace: Shit! I’m sorry. We’re skipping today. I was going totext you. Got caught up.”
I breathe a sigh of relief. The thought that something else had happened terrifies me.
Marisol: Ok, was worried.
Jace: Thank you.
Marisol: Love you.
Jace: Love you too, babe.
“What are you doing?” Alex’s deep voice startles me enough that I almost throw my phone across the room.
“Ay!” I slap him on the shoulder to push my point home. “Don’t sneak up on me.”
Alex laughs, “Whatever.”
“I text the twins to see where they are. They ditched.” I pout, wishing I was ditching too, and can’t help but feel a little hurt that they didn’t ask us to join them.
“That’s funny. I’m about to do the same thing.” He walks away from me.
My mouth drops open. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”
“Carlos is picking me up. I’ll be home later.”
“Where the hell you’re going?” I holler at his retreating form.
After I spill the beans about Jace and me, I’ll have to ask about this growing friendship with Carlos.
During my dreadful day at school, with no one else there, I accomplish getting Andrew to come to one of our practices on Wednesday. He still seems interested in Jasmine, but I haven’t brought up the dance because I don’t want to chase him off.
I usually see my best friend every day. We’re now going on day three of MIA. With everything that’s been happening, I want nothing more than to keep her close.
The first thing I do after school is text Jasmine. Tapping my foot, I wait ten minutes before I receive a reply which only says that she’s going dark today and possibly tomorrow, meaning she’s staying at home and watch movies with Jace, effectively cutting off my contact with her and her brother.
I sigh and lean against my car. What the hell am I going to do without them? My brother’s busy with his new friends lately, so even he’s out of the equation. Shaking those thoughts from my mind, I decide to head home and see if Ma wants to bake something. If there’s something my mother can do, it’s cook.
After an entire evening filled with baking, we have an assortment of goodies. The twins love cookies, so I decide to invite myself over to drop a batch off. Of course, I text them first to make sure I’m not intruding on their bonding time.
Jace’s reply, ‘Bring cookies now!’
Pop Rocks are bursting as they shoot through my body like fireworks in the midnight sky, colorful and exhilarating, a new beginning electrifying my aura.
A dozen chocolate chip cookies are wrapped and ready to go. Not bothering with shoes, I head next door, the grass cushioning my bare feet.
Seconds before I knock, the door’s jerks open, and the cookies are smashed between Jace’s hard body and my soft breasts. His lips slammed to mine, tongue seeking entrance, a daring secret hidden on the porch. If the damn cookie weren’t between us, they’d have been rolling down the stairs the moment the door opened.
The warm wetness of his mouth is torn away too soon, as he steps back and unplasters the plate from his chest. “I missed you.”