Page 21 of Save Me a Seat
“All right,” Austin added, nodding his head. “Sounds good. I’ll make sure to review the entire list before Sunday. My father also wants me to spend some time in the kitchen today, reviewing the catering menu with some of the chefs.”
Jane looked up. “That’s a good idea. You might ask them to show you the different dishes they can prep for: gluten-free, vegan, peanut-allergy requests, and so on. It’s something I’m always asked about, and it’s good to know what they look like ahead of time.”
“Good call,” Austin replied as she handed him the list. “So, I will see you bright and early tomorrow. What time do you get here?”
“On event days? Normally around 7 am,” Jane answered. “It will be a long day, so be ready for anything.”
Austin stood up from his chair and walked toward the door, thankful that Jane seemed less stressed.
“Hey, Jane,” Austin said from the doorway, remembering his conversation with his brother Wednesday night.
She looked up and locked eyes with him, feeling her stomach do the same weird twirl thing it did earlier. “What’s up?” she asked, trying to sound as professional as possible, and not be affected by his movie-star good looks.
“Did you go to Barrington High School?” he asked casually, staring at her, waiting for an answer.