Page 122 of The Love Hypothesis
“Thank you.” Olive started getting out of the passenger seat and found that she couldn’t move her legs.
“Are you okay?” Sarah Helen asked.
“Yeah. Just, un . . .”
“Are you gonna puke in my car?”
Olive shook her head. No. Yes. “Maybe?”
“Don’t, or I’ll destroy your rating.”
Olive nodded and tried to slide out of the seat. Her limbs were still nonresponsive.
Sarah Helen frowned. “Hey, what’s wrong?”
“I just . . .” There was a lump in her throat. “I need to do a thing. That I don’t want to do.”
Sarah Helen hummed. “Is it a work thing, or a love thing?”
“Uh . . . both.”
“Yikes.” Sarah Helen scrunched up her nose. “Double threat. Can you put it off?”
“No, not really.”
“Can you ask someone else to do it for you?”
“Can you change your name, cauterize your fingertips, enter the witness protection program, and disappear?”
“Um, not sure. I’m not an American citizen, though.”
“Probably no, then. Can you say ‘fuck it’ and deal with the consequences?”
Olive closed her eyes and thought about it. What, exactly, would the consequences be if she didn’t do what she was planning to? Tom would be free to keep on being an absolute piece of shit, for one. And Adam would never know that he was being taken advantage of. He would move to Boston. And Olive would never have a chance to talk to him again, and all that he’d meant to her would end . . .
In a lie.
A lie, after a lot of lies. So many li
es she’d told, so many true things she could have said but never did, all because she’d been too scared of the truth, of driving the people she loved away from her. All because she’d been afraid to lose them. All because she hadn’t wanted to be alone again.
Well, the lying hadn’t worked out too well. In fact, it had downright sucked lately. Time for plan B, then.
Time for some truth.
“No. I don’t want to deal with the consequences.”
Sarah Helen smiled. “Then, my friend, you better go do your thing.” She pressed a button, and the passenger door unlocked with a clunk. “And you better give me a perfect rating. For the free psychotherapy.”
This time, Olive managed to get out of the car. She tipped Sarah Helen 150 percent, took a deep breath, and made her way into the restaurant.
* * *
SHE FOUND ADAM immediately. He was big, after all, and the restaurant was not, which made for a pretty quick search. Not to mention that he was sitting with about ten people who looked a lot like very serious Harvard professors. And, of course, Tom.