Page 5 of From The Deeps (Seven Wardens 1)
She released his throat, shrinking her nails back to human size. It was a little painful, and quite a waste of time, seeing as he hadn’t even flinched. Usually, people reacted differently.
“So, one of your brothers is the crown prince?” he asked and she nodded in resignation.
“Both. They’re twins, and it was a caesarean, so they were both born at the same time. It’s created a bit of a constitutional crisis, and my father still hasn’t declared one of them his heir.”
“Which means someone would be very interested in them,” Cam said, more to himself than to her. “But they weren’t taken, they were left unconscious. You went outside to find them... leaving the protection of the house... an easy target. Maybe you didn’t faint after all...”
“Just when you had convinced me of the opposite,” she complained. “Something hit me before I fell, before I saw you.”
“We should thank the Staran for bringing me there just at the right moment.”
She nodded. Whatever these strange sentient paths were, she had to be grateful to it. That didn’t mean she couldn’t be angry at it at the same time. She needed to get to her brothers. Which brought her back to Flint.
“Is there a way you can force Flint to look for my siblings?”
Cam laughed, a deep, beautiful sound. “Force Flint? Oh sweetheart, nobody can force Flint to do anything. People who do that get burned.”
She sighed, hating herself for being so weak. She wasn’t used to feeling powerless. She was so good at finding solutions to problems, usually. Not now, though.
“Then what are we going to do until he returns?”
“How about we get some food?” he asked and she smiled.
“Finally you’re talking sense.”
She watched as Camdan pottered around the kitchen, making sandwiches bigger than any she’d ever seen in her life. Not that she was complaining; damn, she was hungry. Then again, partially shifting outside of water was energy consuming, hence why she didn’t do it often. Even if it was the only magic she could perform at the moment. Which reminded her…
“How did you know I’m royalty?”
Camdan whistled a tune, making her unsure about whether he’d heard her, but she waited patiently. He’d answer her whether he wanted to or not. She hated thinking that her heritage was so obvious. It wasn’t like she’d been acting like a Princess since she’d gotten here or anything. “Cam,” she said more firmly.
“Huh?” he grunted, finally turning his attention back to her.
“How did you know I’m royalty?” she repeated.
“Oh. Your eyes.”
“What?” She blinked rapidly, unsure how to take that. She’d never once considered her eyes could give her away. They were blue, a pretty blue, sure, but that was all that was special about them. Well, other than that they clashed awfully with her hair when she was in halfling form, but she had no control over that.
“Your eyes glowed when you shifted,” he said, setting down a plate, with an overflowing sandwich on it down in front of her. Macey’s mouth watered at the sight of it. She really was hungry.
“No they don’t,” she insisted before taking a large bite of the sandwich and caught herself almost moaning at the taste. It was as delicious as it looked. Making Cam a hot guy, who could make food. Other than the kidnapping, he was a great catch.
“Have you ever watched yourself shift, Two?” he asked, chuckling slightly at his joke.
“Of course.” It was one of the first things she’d ever done after learning about the halfway shift. It wasn’t something all kelpies could do, only the most powerful ones.
“And you’ve seriously never noticed your eyes glowing bright blue?” He raised a pale eyebrow as he took a bite of his own sandwich. His eyes closed, and she was glad it wasn’t just her that was affected by good food.
“Yes, I seriously never noticed, because they don’t do that. And even if they did, that wouldn’t automatically make me a Princess.” She tried to be mad, but how could she be when he was so delicious? No, wait, when the food was so delicious. Damn, she needed to get her head in check, she couldn’t let herself be so distracted by him. It’d only get worse once Flint returned, she was sure. Just his voice alone had her tied up in knots, and she had no idea what he looked like yet. She could hope he was ugly as sin, but somehow she doubted that.
“Maybe not, but the fact you haven’t once denied that you are royal does kind of give it away, Macey.” The way he said her name sent a shiver down her spine.
“I’d suggest you eat up before Flint gets back too, or he’ll steal the food right off your plate.” He smiled at her, the act lighting up his face and making him look younger than he had before. Not that she had any idea how old he was. If he wasn’t human, and she fully believed he wasn’t, then he could be anything from twenty-five to three thousand and sixty-two, though she doubted it was the latter.