Page 17 of The Walk of Fame
She looked both panicked and perplexed and he wanted to hug her. He’d thought she was cute the first time he’d laid eyes on her. She wasn’t cute. She was adorable.
He hooked his hand around her waist, tugged her closer. ‘How do you feel about round two?’ he said, trying to keep the urgency out of his voice. He couldn’t wait much longer, but he didn’t want to rush her and ruin it.
‘If it’s as good as round one,’ she said with bravado, ‘I’m all for it.’ Then she slipped trembling arms around his neck.
‘I’ll do my best,’ he said, praying for patience as he grasped her hips and hauled her under him.
She stared up at him, offering herself in a gesture so fearless and so giving he felt something twist hard in his gut.
Ignoring it, he positioned himself at her entrance and sank into her.
Juno groaned, the pressure immense as the blunt head of his erection pushed into the slick swollen folds of her sex. His hands angled her hips, easing his entry, but still it felt overwhelming. The muscles of her sex clenched, her fingers clutching his neck as a moan escaped her, the pleasure replaced by a brutally stretched feeling that was too close to pain.
‘Shh,’ he crooned, pushing the damp hair from her brow. ‘It’ll take a minute, darlin’.’
He held still for what seemed like hours but could only have been moments as she adjusted to the solid length. Then he moved, her breath catching as he lodged deeper still. The discomfort dimmed, overpowered by a staggering feeling of fullness.
She sobbed at the shocking burst of pure pleasure as he flexed his hips and nudged a place deep inside.
‘Now was that good, or bad?’ he asked, sweat glowing on his forehead.
‘Good. It was good.’ Her voice broke. ‘Can you do it again?’
He chuckled, the sound rich and self-satisfied and tinged with desperation. ‘I’ll give it my best shot.’
She wrapped her thighs around his waist and held on for dear life, bucking clumsily beneath him as the slow, solid thrusts got stronger, faster and more relentless. Her cries punctuated his harsh grunts as the bursts of pleasure intensified, rolling into one unstoppable wave.
She rode the crest for an eternity. Exquisite pain, indescribable pleasure crashing over her as she soared through that final brutal peak into oblivion.
JUNO languished in the last throes of the mind-blowing orgasm cocooned in Mac’s arms. Her back cradled against his chest, she could still feel him, semi-erect, outlined against her bottom as his hand covered her breast. His measured breathing brushed her nape.
‘So, are you ready now for your marks out of ten?’ he murmured.
The wry tone made her lips quirk.
She should have been embarrassed, but she felt so lethargic, so sated, so good about herself it was hard to feel anything but complete satisfaction. She’d done it. She’d finally found out what all the fuss was about, and it had been glorious.
‘If it’s not at least a nine I don’t want to know,’ she replied boldly, and basked in his answering chuckle.
‘I’m thinking ten out of ten for initiative, five out of ten for staying power.’
She nudged him with an elbow and he laughed, tightening his arm round her waist.
‘Now, now, all I’m saying is we’re going to have to work on your stamina, darlin’.’
His warm teasing had pride swelling her chest.
They’d been good together, so much better than expected. She might not be the best sex he’d ever had, but she hadn’t disappointed him, or herself. To use one of Daisy’s analogies, she’d got back on the horse and she hadn’t fallen off. And, as predicted, it had been a spectacular ride.
She grinned, snuggled against him and hissed as the aching tenderness between her thighs caught her unawares.
‘There now.’ He rolled her over and searched her face. ‘I hurt you?’
‘No, you didn’t,’ she said, moved by the worried frown. She shifted her bottom and felt the slight soreness again. ‘It’s just. It’s been a while.’
‘Damn, I’m sorry,’ he said, rubbing his palm on her midriff. ‘How long has it been?’