Page 40 of The Walk of Fame
Leaning back in his chair, he crossed one leg over his knee and waited for Juanita Suarez to pick up—and a picture of Juno decked out in another tempting bit of fancy such as the one she’d worn to the wedding formed in his head. Quickly followed by the picture of him peeling it off her.
His irritation dissolved in a haze of lust.
What the hell?
Why shouldn’t they have tonight? Why shouldn’t he pamper her a little? He’d given her little enough of the movie-star trimmings all his other dates took for granted. And he’d been more than a bit cranky with her since yesterday. It was the least he could do.
Tomorrow would be soon enough to worry about the strange effect she had on him. He’d waited more than a week already. What harm could one more day do?
‘Hi, Juanita, it’s Mac Brody.’ His lips quirked at Juanita’s enthusiastic greeting. ‘I’ve a date I want to take to the Death Game premiere tonight, and I want to make sure she enjoys it.’
MOTHERLY, efficient and expertly groomed, Juanita Suarez took Juno under her wing the minute Mac introduced them, firing enough sartorial suggestions at her to have Juno’s mind boggling.
As soon as they got to the glitzy shopping mecca of Rodeo Drive, with its rarefied collection of fashion boutiques and designer outlets, it became apparent Mac wasn’t a natural shopper—his eyes glazing over with boredom after less than five minutes.
Juno might once have thought the same of herself. Daisy had always been the design genius behind The Funky Fashionista, but since Daisy had opened the shop Juno had taken her job as manager seriously and had learned as much as she could about fashion for the benefit of the clients. But she’d never had the thrill of putting that knowledge to work for her own benefit. So once she and Juanita had cut Mac loose and the stylist got down to business, Juno found herself marvelling at the dizzying selection of haute couture garments on offer—and getting more and more excited about choosing her own perfect outfit to spend a night on the town as Mac’s date.
Maybe there was something to be said for avoidance after all. She’d been worrying about what was really going on between her and Mac since yesterday and all it had done so far was give her a headache—and kick off an argument about nothing.
When was she going to get another opportunity to dress up like a movie star and go to a Hollywood premiere with one of the sexiest men on the planet on her arm? This would be a story to tell her grandkids one day. She could always start panicking again tomorrow.
‘Oh, yes, honey. I love that one on you,’ Juanita enthused as Juno stepped out of the dressing room in a flowing off-the-shoulder gown of turquoise taffeta with a beaded bodice. ‘The colour’s perfect for your eyes. What do you think?’
Juno peered down at herself. The material felt soft and exclusive next to her skin and, while she never would have chosen the dramatic design or revealing cut for herself, she could see it made quite an impact. Goodness, she even had boobs again.
‘It’s beautiful,’ she said. ‘But how much does it cost?’ Not one of the outfits she’d tried on so far had a price tag, and it was making her a little nervous.
Juanita grinned. ‘Aren’t you precious?’ she said, the condescension sounding pleasant in her laid-back Californian accent. ‘Don’t you worry about the cost. Mac told me to go right ahead and spend whatever we wanted. And it’s always been my motto never to cross an A-lister—especially if I’ve got my hands on his plastic.’ She waved the credit card Mac had blithely handed over before making his getaway.
Juno ran her palms down the luxurious gown. ‘I don’t feel right spending too much of his money.’
r /> Juanita looked completely nonplussed for the first time since Juno had met her. ‘Mac said you were one of a kind—and he wasn’t kidding. You’re the first one of his dates to say that to me.’
Had he really said she was one of a kind?
‘Have you met lots of his dates, then?’ The question popped out before she could stop it.
‘Quite a few,’ Juanita said as she unhooked the gown and helped Juno out of it. ‘I used to work for Gina—that’s how Mac and I met.’
‘Gina St Clair, the supermodel. She and Mac were an item a while back.’
‘Oh.’ Juno felt a sinking sensation in her stomach as she tugged her jeans back on. Why had she asked about his exgirlfriends? She’d promised herself on her first day in Mac’s house she wouldn’t worry about it. Hearing about all the stunning women he’d dated now would only knock her confidence.
Juanita laughed as she put the gown back on its hanger. ‘Sweetie, there’s no need to look so miserable. I’ll let you into a little secret. But you’ve got to give me your solemn promise you won’t tell Gina I said this.’
‘All right.’ What was Juanita going to say? And did she really need to hear it?
‘Gina fancied herself in love with him. And she hasn’t been the first, I’ll tell you. Or the last. That man has left a trail of broken hearts through Beverly Hills—and the real tragedy is he hasn’t a clue. Women look at him as if he could hang the stars and he doesn’t even notice.’
The heat hit Juno’s cheeks. Did she look at him like that too?
‘He takes them out for a couple of months and then drops them flat,’ Juanita continued.
Juno gulped down the ball of dejection threatening to gag her. Where had that come from? She knew her time with Mac was limited. At least she’d never allowed herself to get that delusional. So what exactly did she have to feel dejected about?