Page 38 of BTW I Love You
Because the man guarded personal information with the same focus and concentration that he made love. And, frankly, she’d had enough of it. She shifted the groceries onto one arm and lifted the Manor’s heavy brass knocker. But all that was about to change.
She was here now on a mission—having decided that his evasiveness whenever she asked a personal question was getting ridiculous.
When they’d first embarked on their casual affair, she’d totally respected his boundaries. Their no-strings fling was about having fun and … She paused. How had Rye put it? Oh, yeah, ‘exploiting the great sexual chemistry’ between them. And that had been absolutely fine. At first.
In the beginning, she’d had no desire to examine his psyche, to expose the secrets of his past, especially as he seemed so averse to the idea. So she’d backed off every time she saw that shuttered look that told her louder than words she’d just strayed into forbidden territory. Plus Rye was extremely adept at distracting her. And she’d found it next to imp
ossible not to let him.
But the fact was, after spending every night together at the cottage for two whole weeks, they were starting to run out of things to talk about.
She pounded on the door and guilty knowledge lifted the hairs on the back of her neck.
Stop lying to yourself, Westmore.
All right, fine. Her decision to surprise him this evening had nothing to do with a small talk shortage. And everything to do with the fact that her curiosity was starting to strangle her.
She wasn’t usually a nosy parker. But, the more circumspect Rye became, the more desperate she was to know why he found it necessary to be so secretive. Those questions that had buzzed around in her brain after their tryst in Phil’s office a fortnight ago were all still there. With several more added.
Why was he so determined to keep her at arm’s length? What was so terrifying about revealing personal information? Why wouldn’t he talk about even the most innocuous details of his childhood? And why had he resolutely refused to invite her back to the Manor since that first night?
Yesterday evening, as he’d tucked into her chicken and asparagus risotto and she’d studied the way his wavy hair had begun to curl around his ears, all the questions queuing up on the tip of her tongue had been about to choke her.
His brooding intensity, the moody, taciturn quality that lurked beneath the relaxed, easy-going charm fascinated her. So much so that getting to know and understand him was starting to become an obsession.
But it was this morning’s events that had finally spurred her into action.
While she’d brushed her teeth, Rye had appeared in the bathroom in his boxers, hugged her round the waist and told her he had an important conference call first thing in the morning so he’d have to stay at his place tonight.
She’d tried to dismiss the little bump of dismay at the thought of spending her first night without him as nothing more than endorphin withdrawal. But she couldn’t dismiss the stab of disappointment—and hurt—that it hadn’t even occurred to him to invite her over to the Manor.
She’d been about to suggest it herself when he’d started murmuring in that low, sexy voice about making up for lost time, pressed her against the shower cubicle to nibble the pulse in her neck—and, before she knew it, she’d been flooding the bathroom instead. She’d still been draped across the bed, seeing stars, her wet hair soaking the quilt when she’d heard the rumble of his car engine as he drove off.
It had taken her a full half an hour more, while she got dressed and put away the breakfast dishes, before she’d finally cottoned on to the fact that their mind-blowing water aerobics had been yet another of Rye’s expertly deployed distraction techniques.
The realisation had annoyed her, frustrated her and been the final straw.
Right, pal. Two can play at that game.
The plan she’d come up with while repairing the extensive damage to the bathroom was both simple and satisfying and wonderfully empowering.
She heard the clank of the bolt on the Manor’s door unlocking. A sweet and she hoped only slightly smug smile tilted her lips.
Before meeting Rye, she never would have had the guts to show up at a guy’s house uninvited, no matter how much mind-altering sex they’d had together in the last fortnight. But being with Rye, having him want her with a power and a passion that hadn’t dimmed in the slightest in the last two weeks had given her confidence a boost that she now planned to put to good use.
The door swung open.
Oh, my. There is a God.
Her pulse fluttered and her thigh muscles dissolved as she studied the magnificent sight before her. Perspiration glistened on his skin, highlighting the impressive contours of his bare chest and making the thin cotton athletic shorts cling to muscular thighs. The angry puckered scars above his left kneecap only enhanced his dangerous sex appeal.
‘Maddy?’ He lifted the towel slung round his neck to wipe his brow, his voice a little hoarse. ‘Sorry, I was in the gym. I didn’t hear the door.’
Maddy’s smile widened as she inhaled the intoxicating smell of pheromones and sweat. ‘I come bearing gifts,’ she said, holding up her carefully selected bag of bribes. ‘I thought I’d cook you dinner here for a change.’ She dipped her eyelashes. ‘Then we can discuss dessert.’
She sashayed past him, knowing the new black jeans outlined her bum to perfection. Was it her imagination or had he looked less sure of himself than usual?
He gave a strained chuckle as he closed the door behind her.