Page 26 of So Now You're Back
‘Oh, yes … That’s …’
His hand slapped over her mouth, just in time to silence her sobbing cry, as blue ribbons of fire blasted through her torso. White light shot in a glittering arc right out the top of her head, sensation cascading through her body like a Roman candle.
The thunder of applause sounded over the hammering of her pulse, her body’s own standing ovation. But as she floated back to earth and saw Luke scrambling to stuff himself and his shirt tails back into his trousers, the enthusiastic clapping became real.
‘Oh, bloody buggering hell, Molly’s finished,’ she whispered, shocked into full consciousness. Of where they were, and what they’d just done. Together.
Luke winked at her and grinned, the slash of white teeth making the slowing pulse in her clitoris spike. ‘She’s not the only one.’
She wiggled her knickers on, suppressing a snigger, horrified and excited by the funky smell of fresh semen.
Miss Giddings’s voice rang out from the stage announcing Haley Dunlop in Form 10C and the piece she was playing.
She scrambled faster. ‘I can’t go out there.’ The chances of her remembering let alone being able to play Beethoven’s ‘Moonlight Sonata’ now was so outside the realm of possibility she might as well have been orbiting Mars. And if she messed this up, everything would be ruined. Her parents would find out about Luke. And stop her from seeing him again. Ever.
‘’Course you can.’ Luke pressed a quick kiss to her nose. ‘You can do anything. You’re indestructible.’
‘But what if they can tell what we’ve been doing?’
‘Who cares?’ Spinning her round, he placed a firm hand on her bum and gave her a hefty shove.
She stumbled onto the stage, her cheeks bright with embarrassment, her nerves jangling discordantly, her senses dazed and disorientated. She scanned the hall of bored and encouraging faces, only to spot her mum and dad in the second row, clapping as if she’d won a Nobel Prize.
Startled into movement, she rushed across the never-ending ocean of varnished wood and plopped onto the piano stool, trembling uncontrollably, the feel of semen sticky under her skirt. Could they all see the guilty flush scalding her neck? Or smell Luke’s fresh jizz from the stage?
She shot a furtive look over her shoulder and could just about make out Luke’s tall figure lurking in the shadows, sending her go-for-it vibes.
Her fingers touched the keyboard, and the complex sequence of carefully rehearsed notes flowed out of the tips on cue. Beethoven’s love song—daring and eloquent—reverberated through her as a conspiratorial grin flirted at the edges of her mouth and the feeling of freedom and rebellion sank deep into her soul.
Holy shit. She’d just been treated to her first proper orgasm by the baddest, best-looking boy in the school while the headmaster, her form tutor, her music teacher and even her parents were less than ten feet away—and it had been amazing. Super amazing.
Being Luke Best’s girlfriend was the best thing that had happened to her in her whole entire life. And she would love him forever.
Chapter 8
The sound of throat clearing beckoned Halle back to the present.
‘You want to tell me why you’ve entered a fugue state?’ Luke’s adult voice, gruffer now and with a cynical edge, hauled her the rest of the way out of memory and into the Airbus 380. ‘And why you appear to be fixated on my family jewels?’
She blinked and lifted her head, feeling as if she’d had an out-of-body experience. Out of body except for the hum of heat still throbbing at the memory of his clumsy but devastating caresses. Strange to realise the long fingers now dusted with hair, resting benignly on the armrest, had once sent her soaring into the stratosphere so eagerly.
As a teenager, Luke had been a generous, inquisitive lover. Their sex life hadn’t always been good. In fact, it had been bloody awful at times, like the first time they’d had penetrative sex. And the second. And the third. But still he’d tried, always striving to get her off as well as himself. She doubted many teenage boys, now or then, would be that bothered about their girlfriends’ satisfaction.
She blinked away the sentimental thought. Luke may have been a generous lover, but why should he get a medal for that? Especially considering he’d had an ulterior motive. He’d been practising his moves on her only so he’d be ready when someone better came along.
The prickle of jealousy made the question in her head spill out of her mouth. ‘Do you still forget to wear underwear, like you used to at school?’
It probably wasn’t the most diplomatic thing to say, but she suddenly wasn’t feeling all that diplomatic. This man had fingered her to her first climax at a fifth-form recital. An erotic moment that was far too vividly imprinted on her brain.
His cheekbones flushed a dull red but it took her several seconds to realise he was blushing. Because she’d only ever seen him blush once before—when she’d come out of the bathroom to show him the pink PREGNANT sign on the pee stick.
‘I’m wearing pants now,’ he said. ‘If that’s what you’re asking?’
‘Why did you?’
‘Why did I what?’ He looked affronted now as well as embarrassed. A double whammy.