Page 8 of Forbidden
Her, me, our bodies, this crushing need.
I lift her easily, cradling her against my chest. Her bound arms drop behind her. Maybe I should be strong and tell her to go now, before anything else happens. But I’m holding her almost naked body against me and my hands are curved around her butt. I know I’m not going to do that. I can’t send her packing. Not before I’ve taken what I want—what I need to keep going.
‘I’m going to fuck you,’ I growl. ‘Do you want that, angel?’
Her eyes skid to mine and she nods, her throat working overtime.
‘I want to fuck you again and again.’
In my bedroom I stand her up, taking a step away from her just so that I can look at her
. She looks back, those huge eyes so trusting, so… what? Why does she look at me like that?
Like I’m the most precious person in her world…like I’m all she has.
I push that thought aside. I don’t want to soften this into more than it is—into more than it can be.
I prowl towards her again, and reach behind her for the belt. But she shakes her head.
‘I like it.’
‘The belt?’ My question is thick.
She nods slowly, biting down on her lower lip, and then her eyes drop. As if she wants to say something but doesn’t know how.
‘What is it?’
She pierces me with her gaze. ‘I…’
‘Yes, angel?’
‘The belt.’ The words are strained, nervous. ‘Are you…is that… something you’re into?’
My lips twist. I don’t want to admit that I haven’t been into anything since our night in New York. That only memories of Astra can get me hard and no other woman can keep me that way. That I haven’t fantasised about anyone since Astra. Haven’t slept with anyone either.
But before her…? ‘Yes,’ I say simply.
She swallows. Nervous. So sweet. So innocent.
‘And what else are you ”into”, exactly?’
I laugh—just a soft sound. ‘You don’t want to know, baby. You’re too sweet for what I’m into.’
Her eyes are loaded with courage. With curiosity. ‘I want to see. Show me.’
My cock jerks hard in my pants. Show her. I think of the toys I have in a drawer across the room—toys that I bought brand-new when I moved to Paris, determined to push Astra out of my head. Toys that have sat unused, tempting, distracting…
Toys that call to me now, loud and clear.
‘Wait here.’
A FINE BEAD OF perspiration runs along the back of my neck. I watch him as he walks—so animalistic, so powerful—across the room to a sleek black bureau against the wall. He stares at it for a moment and then lifts his hands to his shirt, unbuttoning it all the way down and removing it. There is something almost clinical in his movements—something cold and determined.
Something that makes my insides swirl with renewed desire.
His trousers follow, and then his boxer shorts, until he is naked. And I gasp—I can’t help it. He is so beautiful…a work of art. Darkly tanned all over, with not an inch of spare flesh on him. He is all sculptured muscle, strength, power, virility.