Page 13 of Blackmailed by the Spaniard
“Smile now, Addie,” he prompted, leaning closer. “Santiago is probably already watching.”
She looked up at him, her eyes startled, then turned her gaze to the house. The windows were darkly tinted; she couldn’t see beyond them. It was, indeed, possible that they were being observed.
“And remember, I am paying you a lot of money to make this seem like the real deal. I expect you to perform as well here as you did in London.”
She swallowed and nodded jerkily, resisting the impulse to point out that neither required much effort. That she didn’t consider loving Guy something she’d ever ‘pretended’ about.
The house itself was even more beautiful inside than out. Enormous, open-plan, with white walls, polished white floors, and glass windows and doors that gave uninterrupted views of the stunning coastline.
The sun was framed by two of the windows and looked, for all the world, like a piece of art, all blazing orange and gold, with purple and pink streaking behind.
Staff were milling about, though they had obviously been trained to remain somewhat invisible. Addie, though, was unused to this rarefied existence and she saw them, standing by the door, polishing objects in the hallway, moving into what she presumed to be the kitchen, carrying trays of items.
Guy turned to Addie and now his smile shone, lighting his whole face and causing her to miss her step slightly. It warmed her up from the inside out, supercharging her pulse, making her head spin. Her heart tripped in her chest and her smile was quick and genuine.
Until she realized that his was, of course, for Santiago’s benefit.
It briefly caused her own smile to falter, but not for long. He might be pretending, but it still had the power to cause her body to soar.
“This way,” he reached behind her, putting a hand around her waist, drawing her close to him, so that she could feel warmth and strength through his clothes. Her body molded to his as perfectly as ever.
She felt the perfection of being near him. She didn’t dare look at him. She couldn’t. It might break the beautiful illusion she was enjoying so much.
“Ah! You are here!” The voice was loud and booming.
Addie wasn’t sure what she’d anticipated, but from Guy’s description, she’d thought she might find Santiago to be frail. Unwell. Perhaps even in a wheelchair.
The man who stood as they emerged onto the enormous curving deck was energetic and spry, his frame strong, his hair a dark silver, with eyes as dark as Guy’s, and his face handsome despite the lines that formed roadmaps of adventures-lived across his flesh. His smile stretched across his face and he moved with an easy alacrity towards them.
“I saw the yacht pull in hours ago.” He winked, turning to Addie. “But I do not need to ask what kept you.” His laugh was a cackle and Addie couldn’t help laughing back.
She liked him instantly.
“Santiago,” Guy said, his own smile indulgent. “You look well.”
“Yes, yes,” he agreed impatiently. “Everyone seems to think they are to find me on my death bed. Not likely.” He grimaced. “And you must be the young woman I have heard so much about. It is a true pleasure to meet you, Ava,” he turned his megawatt attention onto Addie, so that even his use of her fake name didn’t cause her too much discomfort. She was stuck on the fact he knew who she was.
On the idea that Guy had mentioned her!
But pleasure from that quickly gave way to the realization that he’d simply prepared Santiago for the ruse. He must have mentioned her to make her appearance more credible. That was all.
“And you, sir.”
“Sir!” He laughed, shaking his head. “Call me Santiago.”
She nodded, smiling. “Santiago. Thank you for having me at your celebration.”
“Ah! Of course, of course,” He grinned. “Sit. We’ll watch the sun go down. It is our favourite thing to do.”
He gestured towards lounges that were arranged to face one another, with a small table in between. Platters of canapés were set in the middle, and a bottle of champagne was on ice.
Though Addie didn’t drink often, the idea of a glass of champagne was instantly appealing. Anything to calm her nerves!
She’d changed into a flowing maxi-dress, a pale gold colour that showed off her tan, and she’d pulled her hair into a fashionable bun that sat high on her head. She was glad for her efforts when she took her seat in the midst of this incredibly opulent setting, opposite a man who was eyeing her as though he could intuit everything about her by studying her face.
Eyeing her with the same intensity and curiosity that had been a hallmark of Guy’s inspection.
She bit down on her lip, and then immediately stopped, when she remembered that it was a nervous gesture completely at odds with the role she was supposed to be playing.