Page 3 of Perfect Tenn
“So wait, all guys know how to do this dumb shit, and they actually do it?” I ask, still stunned.
“Reagan, girls do that shit, too, don’t act like you don’t. When a date is bad, it’s bad. There is no easy way to say it sucks, so you throw hints. If the date is good and you want sex and nothing else, you come up with bullshit lies. Just watch for the signs I told you, and if you aren’t into Joey, drop your own sublte hints. Have Jennifer call you an hour into the date and if it’s bad, tell him you have a family emergency.” He stands and grabs my arm, pulling me up with him. “It works, believe me. Now go, Joey will be waiting for you.”
Pulling up to the restaurant I’m more nervous than I was before talking to Tenn. I park and get out of my silver Chevy Cruze, locking it behind me. Talking myself down, I get to the hostess and she shows me to my table. Joey is there, and I’m pleasantly surprised by how good looking he is. Blond hair shimmers in the light, and his gray button-down shirt clings to what I have to assume is an impressive body from the muscles I see contoured underneath.
He stands up when I reach the table, and just like Tenn, he runs his eyes all over my body. Only he focuses on my breasts a bit too long. “Holy fuck, Tenn didn’t tell me how damn sexy you are.”
Should I be offended? Maybe, but I’m not. It feels good. “Thank you,” I say, extending my hand to him. Which he completely ignores and grabs me in a hug. A bit shocking, but alright. He smells good, and I can feel his solid chest on my cheek. Just as I’m about to pull away, he reaches down and pinches my ass. I jump back, mouth wide in shock, and hold my arms over my chest. “Easy, big guy,” I say, rubbing my ass.
“Sorry, but damn, Regan. You’ve got my cock rock hard,” he says, rubbing his cock as if I didn’t know where it was on his body. Christ, you’ve got to be kidding me.
“Thanks for the visual. Can you make it through dinner or what?” I ask, hoping he just says he can’t. I’m over this date already and it hasn’t even started.
He sits back down, so I do the same. He grins and adjusts his position, making me sigh. The waitress hands us both a menu, and I look over it going for the ever safe chicken caesar salad. I put my menu down as the waitress comes back to take our drink order. I need a drink already, so I order a cranberry and vodka.
“So, Tenn told me that you guys are roommates. That’s kind of weird, right?” he says, still looking at his menu.
“Umm, no it’s not weird at all. We’ve been best friends since we were kids.”
He puts his menu down when the drinks are delivered, and we place our order. I’m surprised at his large order of steak and potatoes, plus shrimp and scallops, but whatever. He takes a sip of his beer and runs his hand through his blond hair. “I get you guys grew up together, but isn’t it weird when he is banging all those women and you have to hear it. Or wait, do you join them or some shit?” he asks, his shit brown eyes glazing over.
Fisting my hands under the table, I try to collect myself. “No, you fucking pervert, I don’t join them.” Oops, I guess my temper wasn’t under control.
He takes no offense, though, he laughs and rubs his hands together. “Fuck, you are feisty. I like that. I bet you are an animal in bed.”
“Joey, I’m about to reach across this table and punch you right in your mouth. Can you please talk about something other than sex? We just met for fuck sake.”
“Right, sorry. Okay, so what do you like to do?” he asks, keeping his total attention on me. Well, my tits actually.
“I like going to the gym, reading, and hanging out with my girlfriends. What about you?” I ask before sipping my drink.
“Have you ever fooled around with your girlfriends? You know pillow fights that lead to you guys eating each other out?”
I stand up and grab my purse off the back of the chair. “I’m outta here, you fucking perv,” I hiss and storm out of the restaurant.
Driving home, I’m shaking I’m so pissed. I’m pissed at Joey for being such a fucking pig and pissed at Tenn for setting me up with such an asshole. I’m going to nut punch him when I get home. He better hope he’s out and I have time to cool off.
I get into the house, and Tenn is standing in the kitchen with no shirt on and a pair of jeans. His hair is wet from a shower, and he turns his green eyes on me when
he hears me.
“Why the hell are you home so early? Oh, is Joey with you?” he asks, poking his head around me.
I aim for his nuts but miss when he moves, and I hit him in the stomach. “You’re a fucking asshole.”
Rubbing his stomach, he grabs my arm to stop me from storming off. “Hey, what the fuck was that for?”
I yank my arm out of his grip and cross my arms. “Oh, let’s see. All Joey wanted to do was talk about having sex. It didn’t matter if it was about me, me and you or my favorite, me and my friends. Why the hell would you think he was perfect for me?”
He chuckles, wiping his hand over his mouth quickly to compose himself. “Okay, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize he was like that. Don’t worry, next time I’ll do a better job.”
I widen my eyes, completely shocked. “Tenn, maybe you don’t get this. I’m done. I gave you a chance, but not again.”
“Stop being so dramatic. You need to date a few toads to find your prince.” He smiles, pulling me in for a hug.
I can’t help it, I’m still pissed, but that line is something I’ve said so many times to my friends. He always laughs when I say it, and now he’s feeding it to me. I hug him back until he pulls away.
“I’m going to change,” I tell him and start walking away.