Page 45 of Perfect Tenn
“Thank you for tonight, Tenn, it was so much more than I imagined it would be,” I say after we break apart.
“It’s always so much more with you,” he replies, kissing me quickly. “Now buckle up, we have one quick stop before we head home.”
I do as he says, and I don’t even ask where we are going. He keeps out doing himself, and I know wherever we are going it will be amazing. We ride in silence, holding hands, and I can’t get the smile off my face. I can’t remember the last time I was this happy.
That is until he parks in front of my parents’ house.
I snap my head to him with wide eyes. “What the hell are you doing?”
He laughs and unbuckles so he can lean over and kiss my cheek. “Trust me.”
“Hell no. Last time you told them that I needed lessons from you,” I hiss.
He tilts his head. “Well, that was the truth, wasn’t it? We just didn’t know it yet.”
What a fucking idiot. “Why do you want to ruin such a great night with them? Come on, let’s go, they probably didn’t see us,” I say, sliding down in the seat.
“I texted them, they know we are coming.”
“I don’t know why you are punishing me. I wanted to go home and climb into your bed and finish what we started this morning,” I say, trying to convince him with sex.
He eyes me up and down, even letting his tongue jet out to wet his lips. Hell yes, success.
happened this morning was nothing, sweetheart, just you wait,” he says in a low, sexy voice. He quickly opens the door and motions with his head. “Come on, it will be fast, I promise.”
It’s as if he’s never met them before. Why the ever-loving shit would he think this is a good idea tonight? Slowly, I climb out of the truck and make my way over to him. With my head down, like I’m taking my last walk down death row, we go inside.
“Hey,” Tenn yells.
“In the kitchen, babies,” my mom yells back.
I look up at Tenn once more with pleading eyes, but he just winks. Asshole.
Big surprise, Brenda and Fred are here, too. After we say hello to everyone, we all sit down at the table. I’m a nervous wreck and don’t even realize my knee is bouncing until Tenn rests his hand on it.
“So you guys just went out to dinner? You both look so great,” my mom says, sipping her wine.
“Yep, we went to that Italian restaurant I’ve always wanted to check out,” I say.
“I heard that place is amazing. How was it?” Brenda asks.
“It was great. So listen, I wanted to talk to you guys about some stuff. Clear the air so to speak,” Tenn says.
“Is everything alright?” my mom asks, looking back and forth between us.
“Everything is fine, great really. I just wanted to clear up something that we were talking about at dinner. Can you sleep around even if you want someone else?”
He’s got to be fucking kidding me. This is why he came here, to prove a point to me? I told him I believed him and now he’s getting these sex perverts involved. Oh yeah, this is so much better than just going home and having sex for the first time.
“Of course, especially if the other person isn’t interested in you. Sex is like breathing, if you don’t do it you could die,” my dad says.
“That’s not true at all, Dad, but thanks for clearing it up.” I look up at Tenn. “Ready?”
“If you don’t have sex, your dick can fall off or your vagina could close up. It’s proven fact,” Fred argues.
They have to be the dumbest people on Earth. Maybe they should have paid attention in school instead of running off to hump in the bathroom.