Page 51 of Perfect Tenn
“Mom, please stop. Things are great, just leave it at that,” I beg.
“Does he bring you to orgasm easily or do you need the assistance of a clit stimulator?”
Why the fuck would anyone want to know that? She’s my fucking mother. “Mom, holy shit, stop. I’m not going to sit here and talk about my sex life. It’s private,” I yell, getting up to get more wine. Lot’s more wine.
“She’s right, Claire, it’s private.” Tenn’s deep voice echoes throughout the kitchen, and my heart pounds excitedly in my chest. “But since I love you more than Regan loves you, here it is. Sex with her is mind-blowing. Neither of us have ever been more satisfied.”
“Tenn, what the hell. Shut up,” I shriek.
He completely ignores me, as does my mother while she hangs on his every fucking word like he’s a damn rock star. Or in her case, porn star.
“There is no need for a clit stimulator because my girl is so responsive to my touch.”
“Shut the fuck up. Seriously, I’m fucking leaving. You are all sick and twisted,” I shout and head for the front door.
Laughter chases after me, and I just want to run outside. With any luck, lightning will strike me and I’ll lose all recollection of these last few minutes.
Tenn’s strong arms wrap around my waist, stopping me from moving any further. “Oh stop, Regan. We’re only joking,” he whispers.
I spin around and as much as I want to be pissed, when I see his pouting face, I try to hide my grin. “You’re joking, Tenn, they aren’t. She’s serious, she wants to know every detail of our sex life. It’s gross.”
He ushers me over to the couch and pulls me onto his lap. “Yeah, I know our parents’ aren’t typical, especially in regards to sex, but come on. Wouldn’t you rather have this relationship with them, than if they were being judgmental assholes?” he says, raising his eyebrows.
“I guess,” I huff out.
He chuckles and gives me a squeeze. “Have you ever thought about just talking like them, instead of making such a big deal all the time?”
“What the hell are you talking about?” I ask.
“You work with four-year-olds. Do they get a bigger reaction from you when they do shit that is bothering you?” he asks, titling his head.
“So you think if I talk sex with them, the fun of it will end?” I ask and start to laugh. “You poor dumb fuck. It’s like you’re new here.”
He begins to tickle me and I start squirming, laughing and pushing at his muscular chest. His solid arms are no match for me, though, and I end up on my back on the couch.
“Come on, let’s get dinner over with so I can start on dessert,” he says giving me a wink.
Dinner is over, dessert is cleaned up, and we are getting ready to leave. It was only mildly embarrassing after Brenda and Fred got there, so I managed. Part of it was definitely Tenn’s wandering hands and the promise of having me for dessert. I stayed focused on that and not the crap pouring out of our parents’ mouths.
“Thanks again for dinner, Claire, it was delicious,” Tenn says, giving my mom a kiss.
“You’re welcome. Now yo
u two get home safe,” she replies.
“We will, Mom, goodnight.” I hug everyone.
“We aren’t ready for grandkids yet, make sure you wrap it before you tap it,” my dad says to Tenn.
We were so close.
“Always,” Tenn replies, and we rush out.
Once we get home we decide a shower is needed before we climb into bed. Well, I decided it because I wanted to shave. He wasn’t happy about the idea of taking separate showers, but I convinced him it would be worth it.
I sneak into my room and slip on my favorite green and black lingerie. It hugs my breasts just enough to give me some kickass cleavage and hangs just to the bottom of my ass, allowing my thong to peek out. I smile knowing he is going to love this. Quickly I brush out my hair, thankful I didn’t wash it, and it hangs perfectly. A fast apply of makeup and I’m itching to get into his bed.
I walk into his room, and he’s sitting with his back against the headboard in nothing but a pair of black boxer briefs. With a small grin, I make my way closer to the bed.