Page 13 of Behind The Lies
“You know, I would love a shoot with Jax and a woman in the pool or hot tube for my next book,” London says, getting giddy in her seat.
“Why the hell would you say Jax and not me?” Blake asks, pouting in front of her.
“Knock it off. I haven’t used Jax, and he is perfect for my next book. I just need to figure out the leading female,” she says, tapping her fingers on her lap.
“London, think about it and give me your description and I’ll see who I have. But for now, we really need to get going.”
Blake, London, and I say goodbye to them, and I now feel like I’m intruding. I should go find myself a hotel or something for the night. I’m sure London wants to have time alone with her boyfriend without me there.
“Listen, I’ll go find a hotel so you guys can be alone. I’m not here to get in the way. I feel like I’ve already overstayed my welcome.”
I get up and notice they look at each other and London gives him a small nod.
“Wait McKinley,” Blake says. I look between them as they stand holding hands. “London and I were talking, and I know how weird it can be staying with someone when all you want to do is be alone. London stays here every night, and she has a great little house not too far from here that is empty. We’d like for you to stay there and once you get a job; you can pay rent to her. What do you think?”
I look back and forth between them probably a hundred times because it doesn’t seem real. How can these people be so generous to me when they don’t know me? A house? An actual house? I’ve never in my life lived in one.
“Wait, are you for real?”
“Of course, we are. We wouldn’t have offered if we weren’t. It just doesn’t feel like home to me anymore. My home is wherever Blake is and that is here,” London says, earning a sweet kiss from Blake.
“London has some writing to do, so you can follow me to the house. We can talk a little more when we get there,” Blake says.
With my heart beating out of my chest, I go into the house and gather all my things before heading outside to follow Blake to what will be my new home. A home. I can’t wait.
Blake has given me a tour of the house and I can’t believe this is real. It is beautiful, classy, and so much more than I’ve ever had in my life. “Let’s sit and talk for a little bit. We haven’t had any time, just the two of us. I want to know everything.”
Ugh, I wish he didn’t want to know everything. “Well, I’ve told you pretty much everything. I grew up in a trailer. My relationship with my mom and step-dad is strained to say the least.”
He cuts me off, “Why is it strained? You need to be honest with me. If it’s something I can fix or protect you from, I will do it, but I need to know.”
I swallow a few times wiping my sweaty hands on my shorts.
“Well, I never really got along with my step-dad. I wanted so much more for my mom and me. She just settled with the first guy that didn’t care that she had a kid. And that’s what she wants me to do, settle. I refuse to do it and she hates me for it.”
“Damn you are a lot like me,” he says, laughing. “So, what is it you want that she doesn’t want you going after?”
Here it is. I could easily skate around the truth or just put it out there and see what happens. A giggle escapes and he raises his eyebrows at me.
“Well, if you thought we were a lot alike before this will really get you.” I swallow my nerves and look at him. “I want to be a model. Well, I guess you could say I am.”
“Are you fucking serious? Why haven’t you said something until now?”
I’m not sure from his tone if he’s angry or if he’s just loudly asking. I have so much to learn about him.
“When I found out you were my brother, I didn’t think the best opener was that I was an aspiring model. Felt like I wanted more out of our relationship.”
It’s a lie, but a lie he would never see-through. It seems so damn sincere, and I actually feel a little guilty for it.
“Makes sense, but I wouldn’t have felt that way. You can tell me anything.” Fuck I’m a bitch. “Well tell me about your modeling. Who have you worked with, what have you done?”
“There isn’t much to tell. I am from a small town and honestly, I’m embarrassed of the things I’ve done just for a feature in a magazine or new headshots.”
He stands up, nearly knocking over the coffee table, and paces the floor. “Like what? What the fuck did you need to do?”
The anger is radiating off of him and I stand up placing my hand on his arm to stop his pacing. “Blake, please. I’m sure you can use your imagination, it’s not something I want to talk about. I will show you my portfolio if you’d like.” He crosses his arms and nods his head. I beam with excitement as I go off to grab it for him. I know he wants details, but what does he want me to say? I sucked dick, slept with strangers, and sold my body for the little bit that I have? No way. He already thinks too little of me.
I hand him my portfolio and he sits down on the couch to flip through it. My stomach is in knots