Page 42 of Behind The Lies
“Hi. It’s great to finally meet you both,” McKinley says, and I reach over to grab her hand again. I don’t want her to feel like she is alone in this for even one second.
I watch closely as Blake and his parents talk with McKinley. She is getting more comfortable and the amazing girl I love is starting to show. She’s laughing, joining in the conversation, and even starting to ask questions. I don’t say much, I’m not here for that. I’m here to support her, make sure she’s alright.
After a while, she turns her head and smiles at me. “You alright? You haven’t said much,” she whispers.
I simply lean forward and kiss her cheek. “I’m perfect.”
Before turning her attention back to the others, she gives me a quick kiss and my heart swells. This girl has no idea what she does to me. I never thoug
ht I’d fall in love again; hell, I didn’t think I had a heart left after what Sarah did to me. Yet, here I am, completely and totally in love with McKinley. When I told her I loved her, it was something that flowed out of me. I just handed her my heart. I didn’t think about it or question it. I just gave it to her.
After a few hours, Andy and Marie finally call it a night. Andy told McKinley he’d like to get together again, and I just hope he means it. In all the time I’ve known Blake, I’ve only met his parents a handful of times and this is the longest I’ve been around them. I’ll never crush McKinley’s excitement though; I’ll just be there when she needs me.
Blake and London walk his parents to the door and once they’re inside McKinley turns to look at me. She has a beautiful smile on her face, which makes me smile back.
“That went good, right?” she asks.
“It went amazing,” I tell her, wrapping my arms around her. “How are you feeling?”
She pulls back and kisses my cheek. “I’m good. It went better than I thought it would.”
Before I can even reply, Blake and London come back out and sit down. “Well, I guess we know who the favorite is,” Blake says, jokingly.
“It was a lovely evening. Honestly, that’s the longest I’ve been around your parents,” London chimes in.
“Well, they aren’t the most social people. I’m just lucky that I am so much better than they are,” Blake says, kissing London.
“I’m just glad I finally got to meet him and your mom. They might not want to have any kind of relationship, but at least I can say I know my dad,” McKinley says, and I squeeze her shoulder.
“That’s such a great outlook McKinley,” London says.
We talk for a while about how the night went and even though I’m exhausted, I’ll stay as long as McKinley is enjoying herself.
“McKinley, I was going to email you tomorrow, but I’ll just tell you now. I picked a photo for the cover of my book. It’s going to look amazing, I’m so excited,” London says with a beaming smile.
“Holy shit really? My first cover?” She turns to me with wide eyes and a huge smile.
“You deserve it, baby. Congratulations,” I say, smiling back just as big.
The girls continue to talk about the cover, and I look at Blake and grin. He looks just as happy as I feel. He’s watching his girlfriend and sister talk excitedly about everything before looking at me. I can tell just by the way he looks at me he is telling me how lucky we are, and I nod my head agreeing. The change in him since he met London is drastic. I never thought when I first met him that he’d ever settle down, but now I can’t picture him any other way.
“Braden?” I snap out of my thoughts and look at McKinley. She giggles and stands up. “I didn’t think you heard me. Are you ready?”
“Absolutely,” I say, standing up.
We both thank Blake and London for dinner and for having us before we leave.
The next week flies by. McKinley is busy with work and modeling. Kallie asked her for another shoot and another photographer reached out to set up a shoot. She’s been so damn happy, which makes me happy.
I’m on my way to meet Kallie for lunch and even though we’ve talked a little since our argument, I need to apologize again. I feel like an asshole for jumping at her like that. When I pull up to the restaurant, I see her jeep and head inside. She is standing by the hostess laughing and I can’t help but smile. My sister is not only the most talented photographer I know, the most fun and outgoing person, and has the biggest heart I’ve ever seen, but she’s my best friend. Besides my mom, she is the only other person in my life who has never let me down. I’m damn lucky for that.
“Hey,” I say grabbing her attention.
She turns around and hugs me. “Hey, big brother.”
We get seated and after the waitress takes our drink order, I put my menu down. “Kallie?” She lowers her menu and looks at me. “I need to apologize again for the other night. I never should have yelled at you like that.”
“Don’t worry about it,” she says, looking back down at her menu.