Page 54 of Behind The Lies
I walk into her bedroom and she’s sitting in front of the mirror. “Hey baby girl, you almost ready? We need to get over to Blake’s.”
She sighs and looks at me through the mirror. “I can’t do my hair like McKinley does it.”
I know it should be a sad moment, but my heart fills with joy. They love McKinley as much as I do.
“I think it looks great. You look beautiful,” I say, smiling.
“You always say that Dad,” she says, trying to hide her smile.
I cross my arms and lean against her doorway. “I say it because it’s true.”
She looks at herself one more time and stands up. “Alright, I’m ready.”
I kiss the top of her head as she walks by and she fixes her hair. I don’t know how the hell I’m going to handle the teenage years.
When we finally get to Blake’s, the girls rush off and I head around back. Blake is sitting there staring at the pool, smoking a cigarette. He looks lost in thought.
“Hey, you alright?” I ask, sitting down next to him.
He doesn’t look at me, just continues staring out at the pool. “When Jax proposed to Kallie, did you have some kind of big brother talk with him?”
I fight back my smile and cross my arms. “I didn’t need to. It’s clear the love Jax has for Kallie. I knew that he was the right guy for her.”
He nods his head, still not looking at me. “I was an only child until two years ago. I was always envious of you and Kallie and Jax and Brody. I mean I have Jax, he’s my brother no matter what, but still, I was envious. Now, I have this sister. This amazing, smart, funny, talented, sister.” He looks over at me and smiles. “And I couldn’t have fucking picked a better guy for her.”
“You’re a dick,” I say, laughing.
“Did you think I was gonna kick your ass or something?” he asks.
I stand up as he smashes out his smoke. “No, I thought you were gonna cry.”
“Fuck off, Braden. That was some kickass acting on my part.”
The backdoor opens and London comes out with my girls. She looks between us and laughs. “Did he give you, his speech?”
“Oh, this was something practiced?” I ask, laughing.
Blake gets up and wraps his arms around London. “Come on baby, don’t blow up my spot like that.”
“I think it’s sweet,” she says, kissing him.
“Uncle Blake, are you gonna ask London to marry you too?” Dawn asks.
His eyes widen as he looks around. “Uncle Blake likes shit the way it is, sweetheart.”
“Blake,” I warn.
“Shit, sorry. I always forget about the cursing, but I mean come on there are worse things to worry about. What are you gonna do when they start dating?”
I groan, scrubbing my face. “Probably drink a lot more.”
We all laugh as the backdoor opens again. This time Kallie and Jax walk through. I smile at my sister as she bounces my way.
“I’m so excited for you,” she says, hugging me. “The four of us are going to take the girls back to mom’s and hang out there for a while. She wants to keep them, so I hope you’re cool with that?”
“Of course. Did you get the dress?” I ask.
“Come on now, who the hell do you think you’re talking to?” she asks, laughing. “Everything is set. You’ll have this place to yourself after we help set up. Once you ask her and have your moment. We’ll be back to do pictures. I’ve got it all under control. You just worry about not dropping that ring.”