Page 3 of Conflicted (Change 3)
“Deal.” For the next hour, we play two games. They win one and we win one.
“Alright, winning game. I’m getting tired,” Dick says, holding me close to him.
“Whatever, pussy. You better not bitch out because you’re tired.” We all laugh at how serious he takes every game we play. The game seems to be taking forever, and that is probably because Young is taking his time with every shot. He is leaning over the table trying to line up a shot from every position he can possibly make it from.
“Holy shit. Just take the shot.” I don’t normally curse or get worked up, but I just want to get this game over with already.
“Hold your tits, Becca, I’m going.” He finally takes the shot and misses. We all laugh, and he throws his stick down on the pool table and goes off to the bar.
“Tie?” We all look at Campbell and throw our sticks down.
“Fuck yes. Let’s get the hell out of here.” Dick grabs my hand, and we wait outside for the others to grab Young. Dick has his arms wrapped around me while my head is lying on his chest. He kisses my head and moves my hair.
“You ready for bed?” I don’t even talk; I just shake my head. He chuckles and holds me closer. “Me too. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms all night.” These are the nights that are so important to me. The six of us to start out, but just the two of us to end the night.
A knock on my office door pulls me back to the present. “Come in.” Jeff, one of my co-workers, walks in.
“You ready for some lunch? You’ve had yourself locked in here for hours.” I look at my watch and realize it is after one o’clock already.
“Wow, I can’t believe it’s so late already.” I lean back in my chair and stretch.
“So what do you say? Want me to order some Chinese, and I’ll help you finish this up so you can get home at a decent time?” It is the best offer I’ve had in a long time. I accept, and while he is back in his office ordering food, I decide to call Dick.
“Hello?” There is a part of me that actually hurts when I hear his voice. It’s not because of our jobs, hours, or arguments, but because I don’t feel the butterflies anymore. My heart doesn’t skip a beat. It’s like calling Campbell or Young.
“Hey. I just wanted to call and check in.” I am trying to get my paperwork in order when I hear him sigh.
“Oh great. I’m just watching some TV before I get ready for work.”
“Good. What time do you go in?” I pile the files and papers to the side so I don’t ruin anything with my lunch.
“I’m heading in at four o’clock. What time are you working until?” I look at my watch again.
“I’ll probably miss you. I still have a lot to do if I want to be ready for court next week.” He sighs again, and I know what is coming.
“Well, you could just realize what a fucking piece of shit this guy is and let him rot in jail.” This time I sigh.
“Let’s not do this. What time are you off tonight?”
“I don’t get off until five in the morning. You should just sleep at home tonight. No sense in me waking you.” I close my eyes and wonder exactly when this all started going downhill. It isn’t just our jobs; it’s like we are roommates. We hardly have sex; we have more fun with the six of us together than we do alone, and most of the time when we talk, it’s conversations I would have with any of my friends.
“That’s fine, Dick. Listen, I need to get off and get back to work. Well, I’m having lunch with Jeff first, but he’s going to help me finish up.” Jeff walks in with a soda for me.
“Alright. Don’t work too hard, and tell Jeff I said hey. I’ll talk to you soon.” We both hang up, and I sigh again. Sometimes, I wonder if we are better off the way we used to be, before we got together.
My partner, Charles, and I are just finishing up for the night. It wasn’t an active night. A few traffic stops and a call to a disturbance in an apartment building. Sometimes, it’s nice to have a night when you don’t have to see all the horrible things. I’ll sleep well knowing nothi
ng serious happened on my watch tonight.
“You want to grab some food or just head back to the station?” I look over at Charles, who is playing on his damn phone again. The guy spends more time on Facebook than anyone I know.
“I’ll stop at a drive-through, but I’m not eating anywhere. I’m fucking beat and just want to eat and go to bed. That cool?” He doesn’t say anything, so when I stop at a light, I look over to see him glued to his phone. I lean over and smack it out of his hands, causing it to fall behind his seat.
“What the fuck, Keith? Why did you do that?” I’m laughing as I proceed through the light.
“Because, you fucking prick, I’m sick of having a one-way conversation. You need to give that fucking thing a rest. I asked you a question. Is a drive-through good with you?” He is trying to find his phone when he looks up at me.
“Drive-through is fucking great, you prick.” I laugh and put on my blinker before turning into McDonald’s. Once we get our food, I head to the station. “So dare I ask how things are with Becca?” I glance over at him and raise an eyebrow. “Dude, don’t act like it’s not obvious. I know you guys aren’t as close as you were. Just wondering if you guys realize it yet?” I flip him off and completely ignore the question. I want to tell him what a fucking asshole he is for saying something like that, for assuming things are different. But I can’t because he’s right. It’s become almost as if we are together because that’s what is expected at this point. In the beginning, it really felt like this was meant to happen, but now I feel like we are just sticking it out because we are supposed to. It should be the six of us together, happily ever after, right? I just wish I still believed that.