Page 5 of Conflicted (Change 3)
“Becca, we need to talk.” She nods her head and lets me in. She must know because she leads me into her room and closes the door. She sits down on the bed, and I sit next to her. I clear my throat a few times, and I notice she is wringing her hands together. “First of all, I need to go home. My dad beat the shit out of my mom. He’s in jail; she’s in the hospital.” She turns her head and looks at me with tears in her eyes. “Don’t cry. I’m going to handle it all, but I need to do that from home. I can’t help them if I’m here.” She shakes her head but doesn’t say a word. “There’s more.” She gives me a half smile and grabs my hand.
“I know, Dick. I feel it too.” I feel like a weight has been lifted.
“You do?” She slowly nods her head.
“Becca, you have to know that in the beginning I really thought this was exactly what we both needed. Hell, I’ve waited for you for longer than I can remember.” We both chuckle, but I need to continue. “It’s just the longer we are together, the less it feels like a relationship. I feel like we are together because that is what everyone expects. Campbell and Kenz, Young and Maddie, Dick and Becca, but we can’t be together just because that’s what everyone expects.” She wipes away a tear, and my heart breaks.
“I’m not crying because I disagree with you. I’m crying because I agree. I thought this is where I belonged, with you, but it feels forced now. It’s like we are just sticking it out to make everyone happy; meanwhile, we aren’t.” I pull her to me and hug her.
“Becca, I love you. I want you to know that.” She is softly crying in my shirt, and I stroke her hair.
“I know that, Dick. I love you too.” I kiss the top of her head and rest my chin on it.
“I’m just not in love with you.” She giggles and kisses my chest.
“I’m not in love with you either.” We break apart, I wipe her tears, and we smile at each other.
“You know you are one of my best friends, and that is something I promise you will never change. You know that, right? This relationship we had, it changes nothing about how I feel for you as one of my best friends. I will always protect you and love you.” She squeezes my hand and kisses my cheek.
“Dick, I feel the exact same way. Thank you for being the one to be able to do this. It’s been a long time coming.” This time I squeeze her hand.
“I told you I’ll always protect you.”
“So, when are you going home?” I tell her what I’ve already told Campbell, and she listens to me like the amazing friend she is.
“Alright, well I can make sure you don’t lose your job. You tell me how long you need, and I will guarantee you get it.” I pick her up and hug her tight.
“You bad ass lawyer. I fucking love you. After I talk with Connie, I’ll call you and we can figure that all out.” She looks up at me and starts to laugh. “What’s so funny?”
“Who’s going to tell them about us?” She points to her door. We both fall into hysterics.
“I’ll do it. I’m leaving anyway.” We continue to laugh. When we stop, we just look at each other and smile. It’s like we are saying good-bye to this relationship without words, but welcoming back our friendship. It’s the happiest I’ve been in months. Until my phone rings.
When Dick’s phone rings, I know I should give him privacy. I go to open the door, and he holds his hand on it. I look over at him and raise my eyebrows. “I was going to give you privacy.” He shakes his head no, as he answers his phone. I sit down on my bed and watch him pace my room holding the phone with one hand and squeezing his neck with the other. My heart breaks for what he is going through. I had no idea that his father was such a loser. It all makes sense why he never talked about him, but raved about his mom and sisters.
“Connie, please stop crying. I will be there as soon as I can.” His poor sisters. I’ve never met them, but I did talk to Connie a handful of times. She is such a sweet girl. I need to make sure that when I draft up the paperwork today asking for this time that I add how much his younger siblings need him. I shake my head because I am amazed that we just broke up, and it just feels so right. It was never going to work with us, and I’m so thankful that both of us are able to see that. He deserves someone who is going to love everything about him. I wish it could have been me, but it’s not. We weren’t destined to be together, not like that. Our friendship is another story.
Dick hangs up the phone and stares out the window. “What happened? How’s your mom?” He slowly turns, and tears are in his eyes. I rush over to give him a hug. He wraps his arms around me and sighs.
“She’s alright. A busted lip, broken nose, and bruised ribs. Connie said she has quite a few bruises forming on her arms and face as well. Thankfully, she pressed charges on my dad, so that is a fucking relief. I need to get out there, Becca.” I squeeze him tighter and pull away.
“I just need to get dressed, and I’ll go handle it all. I can probably have you out of here tomorrow. How long would you like me to request your leave for?” I rush over to my closet to grab my suit and throw it on quickly before coming back out. I look over at him, and he is leaning against the window looking outside. I walk over and lightly touch his arm. He looks over at me and tries to force a smile.
“I’m not sure how long, Becca. Definitely a few weeks. The longer, the better.” I just nod my head and figure I’ll request three months. If they deny that, I’ll go for two. I don’t see why it would be a problem. I’ll fight for it, if need be. He needs to be with his family. “Thank you for everything. You have no idea how much I appreciate it. I’m going to try and get some sleep, but when everyone gets home tonight, we can sit down with them all, and I’ll tell them everything.” He walks over and kisses my forehead. Without another word, he leaves, and I rush to get ready so I can take just a little of his stress away.
I just got off the phone with Dick’s captain, and he approved the three months, starting today. He said not a day longer, so he needs to take care of everything as quickly as possible and get back here to keep his position. I assured him that Dick would be back and he loves his job too much to lose it. I dial Dick to tell him the good news and let him know he should book his flight as soon as possible.
“Hello?” Shoot, sounds like I woke him.
“Sorry, Dick, did I wake you?” I look at my watch and realize it is almost four o’clock, but he hadn’t gotten any sleep, so it’s possible.
“No, I only slept for a few hours. What’s up?” Crap. That means he sounds like that from being upset. Hopefully, this news will help some.
“I talked to your captain, and he approved leave for three months, not a day longer. It starts today, so get your flight booked now.”
“Holy shit, Becca, thank you so much. I fucking love you. This is such a relief you have no idea how worried I’ve been.” I smile at the victory of it all.
“Well, you’re not the only one who can help out a friend. Have you talked to Campbell or Young? I think we should all do dinner tonight before you leave.” He chuckles on the other end and it makes me smile even bigger.