Page 24 of Renegade
She lifts her head and rest her chin on my chest searching my eyes. “I think I know you,” she says as a small smile pulls at her full, pink lips.
Fuck, I want to kiss her. The urge is overwhelming, but I can’t, forbidden fruit and all. Squeezing my eyes shut, I take a deep breath. “You do know me, probably better than anyone ever has. And do you want to know why?” I ask and she nods her head slightly as a small strand of hair falls into her sparkling green eyes. “Only you know Crosby Fitzgerald,” I whisper.
She rests her head on my chest and tightens her hold on me. She doesn’t say anything and neither do I, I mean what can I say? Every time I’m around her, the truth just spills out of me. Even when I don’t want it to.
We pull up to my place and she sits up. “Are the paparazzi here?” she asks, her eyes bouncing around the empty street.
“Not yet, but they will be, so let’s hurry,” I say and push open the door. I hold my hand out for her and she grabs it. I rush her inside and once we are in the elevator, I finally start to feel safe. We get to my place and as soon as we walk through the door I know I need to make my phone calls. “Listen, I need to make a few calls. Make yourself at home and I’ll be right back.”
I close myself away in my office and sit down at the desk to start making my phone calls. First one is to my lawyer. I’m sure as soon as that guy realizes who I am, he will be suing me for millions. I need to have my lawyer two steps ahead of that. After telling him the whole story, he tells me I might need to pay out something, but he will make sure it is low and only if the guy signs a non-disclosure agreement. The next call is my publicity agent. She needs to make sure that as soon as those pictures are seen, that we have a statement explaining exactly what happened. I need to make sure no one thinks I just kicked the shit out of him because Brooklyn is my girl. That’s the last thing she or I need.
After being on the phone far too long, I go back out to the living room and look for Brooklyn. She isn’t there, so I check the kitchen, bathroom and rooftop. They all turn up empty and I have a sinking feeling. She went into my room. I rush down the stairs and back into my place, racing to my room. The door is wide open and she stands there with wide eyes. Fuck.
As soon as she hears me she spins around and backs up a little. “What the fuck? So what you make sex tapes in your bedroom?”
“Everything that happens in here is consensual,” I say and move a step closer to her.
“There are cameras and it looks like you’re on the fucking set of a porn,” she yells, completely disgusted.
She’s right, it does look like that. I like to make videos in here, it turns me on to know we are being taped. It feels dangerous, like an infringement of my privacy, but I control the tapes so no one will ever see them. Not even the women on them. They all know it’s being videotaped. My king sized, four poster bed sits in the middle of the room, with black and red bedding and hand cuffs on all four posters. To the left is a black leather couch, with a white leather chair. There is a huge plasma screen TV on the wall across from it all, with all of the camera equipment hooked up to it. Thankfully all the toys I like to use are put away in the closet.
“Brooklyn, don’t get the wrong idea. I don’t always use this stuff and most of the time I put it away, but I haven’t been home long and didn’t get around to it,” I say, trying to explain myself.
“Fitz, I need to go,” she says and takes two steps toward the hallway.
I grab her arm and stop her. She looks at me and I grin. “Are you leaving because this disgusts you or because it turns you on?” I’m taking a chance here, but I suddenly get the feeling she likes the idea of being on tape.
She yanks her arm away and crosses her arms, pushing her tits up. “What? No way, this is…it’s not…I mean how can you?” she asks, stuttering and tripping over each word.
“Want to watch?” I ask, making my cock spring to life with the thought of her watching me fuck another girl.
Her face turns completely red and she chews on that lip, that fucking bottom lip and my heart beats harder. “No,” she says, but I don’t believe her.
“Brooklyn, I think you want to watch. I think the idea of seeing me fuck is turning you on. I bet if I was able to touch your soft pussy, it would be dripping wet. I bet your nipples are hard and that your pulse has picked up.” I move close to her and move the hair off of her shoulder. “Would I be right?” Fuck, I’m pushing it here. The alcohol is making me speak the truth with no filter.
“Even if I wanted to, I would never, but I don’t. I don’t watch porn,” she says, look
ing at me before dropping her eyes to the ground.
“Have you ever watched porn?”
“What the hell? What does that have to do with anything? This,” she waves her hands around the room, “is not the Fitz I know,” she says and walks out of my room. Fuck.
I go after her and move to stand in front of her. “I’m sorry. What do you want me to say? I like to make videos, I like to watch them. Nothing I do is without the other person’s consent. Everyone has something sexual they do or long to do. This is mine. I’m still the same guy.”
“Fitz, I’ve had a long shitty night. This is too much for me to process right now, or damn, probably ever. Your sex life is supposed to be private,” she says, reaching into her purse. I’m not sure if she’s looking for her phone or mace at this point.
She pulls out her phone and I shake my head. “Don’t call a cab. If you really need to leave, which I wish you wouldn’t, I’ll have my car service bring you.”
Sighing, she sits down on the edge of my couch and covers her face. “I don’t know what the hell to do. I’m so out of my fucking league here. Poppy is never around and when she is all she does is run off with Nate. I’m going to clubs and studios, running from paparazzi, being driven around. Oh and don’t forget, I hang out with Renegade and the lead singer makes me feel things I’ve never felt. I just need to go home. It’s too much here for me,” she says, whispering the last part.
Fuck, I don’t want her to leave yet. “Brooklyn,” I say and sit on the couch next to her. I don’t touch her though, I just sit there. “I don’t want you to leave, but if you really want to go home, I’ll book you a flight. You just need to be sure that’s really what you want, because I know we are an overwhelming group. We are loud and crazy and yeah we have lots of money, but we are all good people.” I wait to see if she will reply, but she sits quietly, so I continue. “Maybe, you are having more fun than you think, but it’s just different from what you are used to.”
She looks over at me and forces a smile. “I’m having the most fun I’ve ever had, but that’s what scares me. When I leave, I go back to my life and you guys continue this one. It’s not fair to Hank for me to be doing these things and thinking this way.”
I turn my body to face her and rest my arm on the back of the couch. “What’s not fair to him? You haven’t done anything wrong.”
She laughs without humor and looks down at the floor. “Fitz, if you only knew,” she whispers.