Page 3 of Renegade
Not breaking the kiss, I unbuckle her black, lacy bra and push her short skirt and panties off. Feeling her soft skin on my bare chest makes me need to hurry this up, my cock is painfully hard at this point. I pull away from her, taking in her sexy body and fake ass tits. I don’t think I’ve slept with a woman in years who didn’t have fake tits. Makes me forget what the real ones look like. I’m not complaining, I mean she looks hot and my cock totally agrees. “Get that sexy ass on the bed,” I demand, stepping out of my jeans and grabbing a condom. Glancing back to her, she lays on her back and I shake my head. “On your hands and knees, sexy.” I never look them in the eyes when we fuck, it’s my routine and I’m not about to change it up for anyone, ever.
She does as I ask and I climb on the bed behind her and smack her ass. “Oh God,” she moans and I smile at the response I get every time I smack a gorgeous chick on the ass. I lean my chest on her smooth back and reach my hand, sliding along her pussy to see if she is wet enough for me to slam into her. The second my hand makes contact, she bucks against it. She’s so ready for me, my fingers are covered in her excitement. Without thought, I cup both her tits in my hands and pinch her nipples, hard, evoking a scream from her. I lean back, letting my hands slowly drag along her body and she turns her head to gaze at me. She bites her full bottom lip, knowing what is coming and I grin. Fisting my hand into her hair, pulling hard enough to turn her head away from me, I smack her even harder on her ass with my other. “Fuck,” she yells, and I grip her waist as I slam into her.
I dig my fingers into her hips and fuck her. It’s hard, it’s fast and it is exactly how I like it. She’s moaning and screaming every time I smack her ass or touch her clit. Her tits bounce as I ram into her and I race to touch them as well. She won’t last much longer and I’m fine with that. We’re both getting what we want out of this. She can leave saying she fucked me and I can get off.
She moans out that she’s close and I rub her clit to help her along, as I continue to pound into her. I feel her pussy squeeze my cock as she cries out my name over and over. As soon as I know she is coming back down from her orgasm, I pump into her feeling my release coming on fast. “Fuck yes,” I growl out, when my orgasm crashes over me. I rest my chest on her back and nip her shoulder. “Let’s get back to the party,” I say and pull out of her, standing up to toss the condom.
While I pull my jeans back on, she rolls onto her side and stares at me. “You aren’t going to stay for a while? That was the most intense orgasm I’ve ever experienced, plus I thought we’d get to know each other.” she questions with a bit a hurt in her voice.
I want to roll my eyes, but I sit on the edge of the bed and rest my hand on her lower back. “That’s not what I do, baby. I think you enjoyed yourself,” I say with a grin. “It’s all in good fun.”
She doesn’t say anything right away, so I squeeze her shoulder and get up to finish getting dressed. I’m definitely ready for another beer. Once I’m completely dressed, she finally gets out of bed and starts to get herself dressed. I wait by the door for her and when she’s finished I smack her ass and walk out of the bedroom. I go straight to the fridge and grab myself a beer and check out what’s going on. Ethen is making out with the trashy groupie from before, Poppy and Nate are talking and Ralph is playing on his phone. I go over and sit down next to him.
“That was fast,” he says, not looking at me as he smiles. His dark, short messy hair falls into his blue eyes and he pushes it back, flexing his muscular tattooed arm.
“When you’re as good as me, you don’t need to take your time,” I reply, laughing as I sip my beer.
“Oh yeah, you are the master. Teach me your ways o’wise one.” We both laugh and he looks over my shoulder. “Oh boy, looks like you’ve got a stage five clinger. She’s looking over here and she doesn’t look happy.”
I shrug my shoulders and keep my focus on him. “They know how it works. If she can’t handle it she shouldn’t be hoping on buses with a rock band.”
“Good point or maybe you should stop sleeping around with the groupies and they wouldn’t bum rush the bus all the time,” he says, raising his thick eyebrows at me.
“Nah,” I say, picking at the label of my beer. Time for a topic change. “Hey, did you hear Poppy’s friend is coming out to visit. I can’t wait to hear stories about what she was like as a kid.”
“Or maybe you’ll sleep with her and end the trip short.” He glances at Poppy and back at me.
“I don’t know what your fucking problem is, but knock it off. First of all, I would never do anything like that. You know I don’t shit where I sleep. Besides that, I would never do anything to hurt Poppy and risk losing her as our manager. It’s bad enough Nate is with her.” I have no idea why he rides my ass so bad. This isn’t how he usually is, he’s usually as bad as I am.
He scrubs his face and looks at me. “Sorry Fitz. I was just sitting here watching Poppy and Nate and Ethen and that groupie and wondered if fans view me as a playboy like Ethen or a gentleman like Nate.”
I totally get where he’s coming from. Sometimes I watch Poppy and Nate and wonder if that will ever happen for me. If there is a woman out there that is willing to put up with this lifestyle and not be jealous of the attention I get. If there is a woman that is willing to love me for Crosby Fitzgerald, not just Fitz. It’s not likely, most women either want sex or money from me. They like the idea of hanging off my arm like a piece of fucking jewelry and the popularity that goes along with it.
I slap his back and grin. “The fans view you as a kickass keyboard player, with a great voice. Whatever they read in the tabloids, most know that isn’t real and if they believe it, well they are just assholes. You know you’re an awesome guy and we know you are. When the right girl comes along, you’ll know. Until then, enjoy life and stop overthinking shit.”
After that we don’t mention it again. We toss back a few shots, before going over to the table and sit with Poppy and Nate. The four of us talk for the next few hours. I look around for Ethen after a while and realize, he ended up going back to the bedroom, with both groupies. I smile and shake my head. I turn back to the conversation and look at Poppy. “Can’t wait to meet your friend and get all the dirt on what you were like as a kid.”
She laughs and winks at me. “Good luck with that. Brooklyn may be the only friend I’ve kept since high school, but she wasn’t and still isn’t the party girl I am. I used to have to drag her to parties and I could only manage that a handful of times. She’s got no dirt on me.”
This makes me pause for a minute. I can’t imagine Poppy hanging out with someone who isn’t a party girl. I mean this girl can party. Like I said earlier, she can hang with us and we party. They are just talking, completely moved on from this, but I can’t seem to let it go. It intrigues me for some reason. “So what, she was like a nerd?”
They all stop talking and stare at me. “What?” Poppy asks, laughing.
“Your friend. You said she wasn’t a party girl, so I’m asking if she was like a nerd in high school.” I finish off my beer and definitely feel the full effects of the alcohol swimming through me.
“No, I wouldn’t say she was a nerd. She didn’t have many friends and she definitely didn’t have a social life. Well actually she didn’t even have a boyfriend until we were out of high school. She’s shy and likes to have things around her calm I guess. She’s been a really great friend to me and I’m thankful for her,” Poppy says as Nate rubs her back.
“Well shit, now I’m curious to meet her,” Ralph says and I nod my head in agreement.
“You guys better be nice to her,” she says, giving us each a stern look.
“You better warn her that nothing with us is ever calm,” I say and get up to take a shower.
“It’s unlike you to worry. Better watch it or your pretty blue eyes, and muscular body will give the appearance you care,” Poppy calls after me, making me grin.
We’ll be home soon and I can’t wait to crash in my own bed. I’m sick of sleeping on the shitty bed on this bus. That’s why I’m showering now, because I plan on falling into my bed and staying there for days. While I’m finishing up in the shower, my thoughts go back to Poppy’s friend. What kind of girl doesn’t have a boyfriend in high school? Hell, not only did I have a bunch of different girlfriends, but I was having sex with them all. I can honestly say I don’t think I’ve ever been around a girl who wasn’t a party girl and maybe that’s why I’m so curious. I laugh at myself and step out of the shower. What the hell do I think, she’s going to be hanging out in a turtleneck and holding a bible?
I shake my head and walk toward the door with the towel wrapped around my waist. I turn the handle and don’t even care that Ethen is balls deep in one chick, while the other sits on her face. I grab my clothes and get dressed watching the porno play out in front of me. It’s actually pretty hot, and it makes me want to join, but I won’t. This is Ethen’s fun and I’ll have enough of my own when we get back to New York. Finding women is never a challenge.