Page 57 of Renegade
“Seriously?” he yells and throws his hands in the air. “You’re worried about what Poppy said? This is unbelievable. I asked for one thing from you Brooklyn, and that was to be honest with me. How could you not tell me? We are supposed to be a team. I never would have let you go get tests by yourself and I sure as fuck would have been there when you took them,” he says with hurt clear in his voice.
I need to tell him. I can’t take the fall for Poppy, this is something she’s going to have to deal with and I shouldn’t be. “Fitz, I’m not lying to you,” I start.
“Did you go buy pregnancy tests?” he shouts.
“Well, yes, but listen,” I try, but he punches the door and walks out.
I’m livid. Poppy is making it out like it’s me and to call and tell him it’s in the tabloids. Ugh, fuck I’m in the tabloids buying pregnancy tests. Even when I do clear this up with Fitz, the world is going to think I’m pregnant. I jump up and throw on Fitz’s shirt that is on the floor and rush out to the living room. I’m not going down like this. I look around and don’t see Fitz anywhere, even the bathroom is empty. I grab my phone off the couch and call Poppy.
“Hello?” she answers with sleep in her voice.
“Why the fuck would you tell Fitz that a photo of me buying pregnancy tests is in the tabloids? He’s pissed, he walked out on me. Fix this Poppy, now,” I yell, pacing the living room.
“Wait, what? I didn’t fucking call him,” she says, sounding much more awake now.
“Well if you didn’t, oh wait. It was Nate wasn’t it? You didn’t talk to him did you?” I question, knowing I am right.
She’s quiet for a minute and I check to see if she hung up. “No, I didn’t. I told you I’m not ready. He must have called from my phone or something, because he’s not here either.”
Fuck, this is bad. “Poppy, you need to come clean with Nate, because Fitz is pissed at me and that’s unfair.”
“Fuck,” she whispers and I only feel slightly bad. Right now I’m still pissed I’m taking the fall for all of this. “Fine, but right now we need to pack up because we need to be back on the bus in less than an hour.”
I shake my head and go back into the bedroom. “I guess I’ll pack. Where do you think he went?” I ask, feeling the sadness wrap around me.
“I have no idea. We’ll get this taken care of Brooklyn, I promise,” she says and we hang up.
I quickly pack up our things, not even caring what is clean or dirty. I’m not folding anything, I’m literally just tossing it all in the two suitcases we have. I want to call him, tell him what is going on, but his phone is on the bed. Once I’ve packed everything, I sit on the bed and drop my head in my hands. I start to cry and it feels foreign to me since I haven’t shed a tear in so long. It’s all just too much right now. I’m sad and I’m pissed and I don’t know how else to handle it.
My phone ringing has me rushing to the living room and I answer without even looking. “Hey chicka, we need to head to the bus,” Poppy says, not sounding a bit remorseful.
“Really? You don’t even give a fuck that I’m upset over here? It’s your fault Poppy,” I say, looking at the door, wishing for Fitz to walk through it.
“I’ll take care of it, damn it,” she says.
“Well, where are Fitz and Nate? If we need to be on the bus, where are they?”
“I called Nate, he said they are on their way back. He didn’t say where they were, just that they were on their way back,” she rushes out.
“Oh okay, so you told him right?” I ask, pulling the suitcases into the living room.
I hear her door close behind her and she says, “Not yet.”
“Poppy, I’ve never been angry with you before, but right now I’m pissed and hurt. I’ll see you on the bus,” I say and hang up.
I wheel the suitcases to the door, pissed at both her and Fitz. She should have been honest, but he should have stuck around for me to explain. Opening the door, Will is standing there and rushes to get the suitcases from me.
“Let me Miss Adler,” he says, taking them from my hands.
“I’m not pregnant, Will,” I say, shoving my phone and Fitz’s into my purse.
“It’s none of my business,” he says and waits for me to walk into the hallway.
I just shake my head and walk to the elevator that will take us to the lobby. When we reach it, I go to the desk to turn in our keys. When the woman looks up at me, she does a double take and gets a huge smile.
“Good morning, Brooklyn.” I just give her a tight smile and she leans in closer to me. “How are you feeling,” she whispers.
Unfuckingreal. “Betrayed, are we done here?”