Page 64 of Renegade
I wanted to use Poppy as my manager, but she truly didn’t have the time. Not with Faith and Renegade. Especially after I was discovered. Fitz was right, as soon as we collaborated together it was a whirlwind. I was scooped up by Renegade’s label and it has been nonstop since. I’ve made a full album, I’ve been on tour, opening for none other than Renegade. I’ve done countless interviews, signings and special appearances. I’ll admit at first it was so overwhelming, I didn’t know if this was what I wanted. However, when Fitz and I wrote a song together, recorded and got on stage to sing it, I knew this was my dream. It wasn’t one I would have ever chased, but it’s the one I wanted. I have my own fans, which is the most amazing feeling. Some of which didn’t even know I was dating Fitz.
I sold my house in California quickly and I was grateful. I couldn’t wait to get to New York and more importantly move in with Fitz. We went looking for places as soon as I got to New York and we found the most stunning penthouse, only a few blocks from where Fitz was already living. It is ginormous, with three marble covered bathrooms, an office, a chef’s kitchen, elegant dining room and spacious living room. Let’s not forget the four bedrooms, roof top hang out and large fireplace. Those are the places Fitz and I spend most of our time. Sitting on the roof top, writing songs. Cuddling in front of the fire on a cold night and showing our love over and over in the bedroom. My favorite part though are the photos, the walls are covered in memories. The photo of Fitz and I hanging by his first acoustic guitar next to the fireplace still makes my heart pound. We are on stage and both looking at each other while we belt out the lyrics. It’s the perfect home, were memories are made every day.
As an anniversary gift Fitz wrote out the lyrics to the song he wrote for me and had it framed. What made it even more stunning, was a photo of him singing it. I couldn’t stop the tears, but they were good ones, the only ones I shed now. It seems the longer we are together, the more in love we are.
Speaking of love, Ralph has gone and gotten himself a girlfriend, Leah. She’s a sweet girl and sort of reminds me of myself when I first met everyone. She’s shy, but definitely more of a party girl than I was. They met at ‘Train’ of all places. She is a bartender and gave us all a round of drinks on her. Ralph went to thank her and they’ve been together since. Of course, the guys are all too happy to have a bartender among us now. It makes me laugh when they beg her to mix them a drink. Like the poor girl hasn’t done it all night at work.
Ethen on the other hand, well he’s still playing the field. He has no intention on settling down, and honestly I wouldn’t have it any other way. He’s our comic relief, our honest to a fault and downright dirty friend. I’m not sure there is a girl out there that will ever get him to change his ways, but stranger things have happened. Hell, I’m a pop star now.
The guys come in, on their intermission and Fitz comes right over to me. He’s sweating and it makes me want to lick him clean. I wrap my arms around him and he squeezes my ass. “Damn, it’s like I wasn’t just inside you this morning,” he whispers, sucking my bottom lip into his mouth.
“Thank God we have a hotel room,” I joke and we both laugh.
“And we are going to give that bed a good workout tonight,” he says, giving me that sexy wink of his.
“Where’s my baby girl?” Poppy calls out and Faith goes waddling over to her. She scoops her up and smiles at me. “Was she good?”
“Of course she was. She loves hanging out with her Aunt Brooklyn,” I say.
Fitz kisses me, letting our tongues explore the other’s mouth, before he abruptly pulls away. “I can’t wait until it’s us. A beautiful baby girl that looks just like you. Fuck, I’ll love her so much,” he says searching my eyes.
Since Faith has been born, he says things like this all the time. He constantly talks about when we have a baby or when we get married. It always makes me a bit weak in the knees when he says those things, because it’s something I too want so badly one day. The thought of marrying him, taking his last name and wearing his ring gives me butterflies. And the thought of being pregnant with his child, there are no words for how it makes me feel. It will be one of the happiest days of my life.
“One day,” I say, kissing his sweaty lips.
“Did anyone else notice the groupies hanging around? Fuck, I’m hard just looking at them,” Ethen says, rubbing his cock.
“Hey. Little ears. Watch your d.a.m.n mouth,” Nate says and spells, taking Faith from Poppy’s arms.
He covers his mouth and laughs. “Fuck, I mean shit, crap, sorry.” He’s such a fucking idiot.
“No, we didn’t notice the groupies, the rest of us have grown up and are in real relationships. Maybe you’ll try it one day,” Ralph says, grinning.
“Nah, I like my life,” Ethen replies.
“Hey baby?” Fitz says, getting my attention. “We have two songs and then you’re coming out to sing the last few with us. You ready?”
I love that he still thinks I need to be prepped to get on stage. “Fitz, you know I’m more relaxed when I’m walking out to you. Stop worrying,” I say, smiling at him.
“When will you realize I’ll never stop worrying about you? You are my world,” he says and I can’t help but slam my mouth against his. He lifts me up and my black leather skirt rides up, probably showing my thong and ass off to the rest of them. Thing is, I don’t care anymore. I’m not the girl I used to be. I’m not shy or uncomfortable with who I am. I’ve been told enough times that I’m beautiful that I see it now. I’ve learned to love myself as much as Fitz and everyone else loves me.
Fitz moves his hands and rests them on my bare ass, causing me to moan in his mouth. He breaks the kiss and grins at me. “We need to find a bathroom,” I breathlessly suggest.
“Fuck,” he kisses and puts me to the floor. “How much longer until we go back on?” He asks looking around.
Poppy looks at her phone and winks. “You have fifteen minutes.”
He looks down at me and chuckles. “Plenty of time.” He pulls me across the room to the bathroom and he locks the door behind us. He pushes my skirt up and pulls my panties off, shoving them in his pocket, while I make quick work of unbuttoning his pants and pushing them and his boxers down. He rolls on a condom and lifts me up.
He starts kissing my neck and down to my breasts. He pushes my strapless shirt down and my heavy breasts spill out. He bites down on one of my nipples and slams into me simultaneously. “Fitz,” I moan out grabbing his hair.
He begins a punishing pace and my over sensitive body is burning with need. I let out a loud moan and he nips my lip. “Fuck, you feel so good. It still feels as fucking amazing as it did the first time,” he breathes against my lips.
My body is tightening already, bringing me close to orgasm. His words still have that effect on me. “I’m so close.”
“Oh baby, let go. Come on me, let that tight pussy pull my orgasm from me,” he grunts out.
I reach down and rub my own clit, bringing my orgasm ripping through me. “Fitz,” I scream as my body is wrapped in ecstasy.