Page 19 of Dancing Hearts
“I’ll just have some water.” I close my eyes quickly and shake my head. I lean my hands on either side of her, putting my mouth right by her ear.
“Doll, you can have a drink. Just because I had a problem and don’t drink doesn’t mean you can’t. It doesn’t bother me, I promise you.” I pull back and notice she is biting that lip again. Damn, when she does that, my dick notices. “Please stop biting that lip.” She looks up at me, releasing her plump lip. It is taking all my fucking willpower to not suck it into my mouth to soothe it.
“Cooper, I need drinks.” I glance over at Wendy looking at me with a look that says ‘stop fucking around or I’ll shit in your shoe.’ I’m almost positive she’s actually done it before. I pull away from Emma giving her a sympathetic look. I rush over to Wendy and make her drinks. Weekdays aren’t usually busy, but I still need to be on top of what’s going on. I’ve never been distracted from work before, so this is foreign to me. I put the drinks on Wendy’s tray and grab a bottle of water for Emma. I help another customer before making my way over to her. I hand her the water and kiss her cheek.
“Thank you.” She and I continue to talk with Ralph for a while. When drinks are needed, I make them and head right back over. I like having her here with me behind the bar.
After Ralph leaves, she checks the clock. “Shit, I need to get home Cooper. It’s almost ten o’clock and I still have laundry to do.” I don’t want her to leave, but what can I say? I’m so fucking grateful she stayed this long.
“Alright, doll, I’ll walk you out to your car.” I yell over to Nikki to let her know I’ll be right back. Emma grabs her purse and we head out to her car. When we get there, she unlocks it, throwing her purse in. She turns back toward me and wraps her arms around my waist.
“I had a great night, Cooper. Thank you for everything.” I hug her closer to me.
“I had a fucking great night too.” I put my arms under her ass and pick her up. She wraps her legs around me and tangles her fingers in my hair. I squeeze her ass before I slam my mouth on hers. Once our tongues touch, it is electric. I can’t get enough of her taste, it is as sweet as her pussy. Just the thought has my dick hard. I growl and pull away, resting my forehead on hers. “I need to get back in there. I’m so sorry.” Every fucking time my cock wants attention, I need to leave. I carefully put her back down. She looks up at me, flushed with desire. I run the backs of my fingers down her face and smile at her.
“It’s alright, cowboy. Go run your bar, and I’ll talk to you later.” She pulls away and damn, if it doesn’t actually hurt to let her go. She climbs into her jeep and I close the door. Once she starts it, she rolls the window down. I lean in and kiss her once more.
“Text me when you get home so I know.” She agrees and I stand there like a pussy watching her drive away until I can no longer see her taillights. I walk back inside the bar and notice that even with all the people in here, it feels empty now.
Emma texted me when she got home, just like I asked. I told her once I was back at my place I would text her, even though she would probably be asleep. I finally get everything taken care of at the bar and get back to my place around three o’clock. I know damn well that Emma is sleeping, so I just send a text that says good night. I take a quick shower and climb into bed. I flip the TV on but don’t pay attention to it. My mind is consumed with thoughts of Emma. I don’t know how long I lay there before I start to drift off and dream of her.
I am woken up to banging on my door. I jump up and rush to the door in nothing but my boxers. I swing it open and it’s my mom, crying hysterically. I put my arm around her and lead her to the couch. This hasn’t happened in months, so I know it’s bad. I don’t say anything yet. I sit her down on the couch and rush to my room to throw some clothes on. I look at the clock and see it is only six in the morning. Less than three hours of sleep. I quickly make my way back to the living room and sit on the couch. She has her hands covering her face and she is sobbing. She keeps whispering my dad’s name, which is what she does when she has a bad episode. I gently guide her toward me and hug her. She begins to scream for my dad. It is at times like this when it makes it hard for me to keep it together for her. I choke back my tears. “Mom, it’s alright. Everything is going to be alright, I promise you. I’ll always be here.” I repeat myself calmly over and over until the screaming stops and she is back to just sobbing. We sit like this for almost two hours until she finally cries herself to sleep. I carefully pick her up and lie her in my bed. I cover her and turn to walk out of the room.
“I won’t survive without you, Cooper. My heart would have stopped beating four years ago.” I stand in the doorway and just look at her. She looks so frail and broken. She doesn’t say another word, she just rolls onto her side, falling asleep. I know from experience that she will sleep most of the day away. She’s probably been up for a day or two. I close the door and sit down on the couch. I rub my face and sigh. I wonder what brought this one on. The last time she came banging on my door in the middle of the night she had been watching home movies for two days straight. She hadn’t slept or eaten. I made her stay with me for a week after that, just to make sure she ate and slept. I lean back on the couch and close my eyes wondering how we are going to make it through this.
Next thing I know, my phone is waking me up. I quickly grab it so it doesn’t wake up my mom. “Hello?” I whisper with my voice thick with sleep.
“Hey man. Did I wake you? It’s almost eleven o’clock.” Levi is my best friend. He’s ridden nights out with me like last night more times than I’d like to admit.
“Yea, mom is here. Another bad one.” I stand up and stretch before making my way to the kitchen for some much-needed coffee.
“Shit, Coop, I’m sorry. I was going to stop by. I’ll grab some lunch on the way. Should I grab her favorite sandwich for when she wakes up?” See, this guy knows exactly what happens and I couldn’t love him anymore for it.
“Thanks, Levi, that would be awesome. I’ll see you when you get here.” We hang up and I rest my back on the counter waiting on the coffee. My phone rings again and I want to kick myself for not putting it on silent. “Hello?”
“Hi.” Emma. My heart starts pounding and I feel a small smile creep onto my face.
“Hi, doll. How are you?” She blows out a breath and I don’t like the sound of it. Fuck.
“I’m tired, cranky, and got into a fight with one of the girls at work.” She sounds so sad about it and just like when my mom is crying, it breaks my heart.
“What did you guys fight about?” She’s quiet for a minute, and I think maybe she doesn’t want to tell me.
“She told me that I’m rushing things with you,” she whispers. I go from being sad for her to pissed in a heartbeat.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I know I’ve risen my voice, so I decide to walk outside so I don’t wake my mom. I walk out my door and to the private entrance that has a small landing with stairs leading to the back parking lot. I sit on the top step and wait for her reply.
“I shouldn’t have said anything. I’m sorry.” This time I blow out a breath and scrub my face with my free hand. I’m trying to wrangle my anger, because it’s not her fault. Once I know I can speak calmly, I answer her.
“Doll, I told you I don’t want us to have secrets. I want you to feel comfortable enough with me to tell me everything. I’m just pissed that someone would say that when she doesn’t even know me.”
“That’s the thing, she does know you or knows of you.” I frown in confusion.
“What the hell does that mean?”
“She said she was friends with someone you dated and said some shitty things. I took care of it though. I told her how she was misinformed.”
“Who is she friends with, Emma?” I have a feeling I know already.