Page 27 of Dancing Hearts
“Yes, I am still seeing her. She’s really special, Mom. It makes me happy that you like her.?
? She sighs on the other end and I tense up a bit.
“I really did like her. Nothing makes me happier than seeing you happy. I could tell she makes you happy. Now when am I going to get some grandbabies?” I choke on the water I just sipped.
“Damn, Mom. I think you may be waiting a long time for grandkids. We just started dating.” She laughs and it makes my heart happy.
“Alright, I can wait. What are your plans today?” We talk for a while until she finally says she is going to read. When we hang up, I feel good knowing she is having a good day. Hopefully, she is taking her meds and she continues to feel happy. I worry about her so much.
I watch TV for a while than realize it’s been hours since I heard from Emma. I pick up my phone and call her.
“Hey, cowboy. What’s up?” My dick twitches just hearing her voice. I don’t think I’m going to be able to hold out much longer. I want to claim her as mine so fucking badly.
“Just wanted to see what you were doing.” I don’t want to sound like a whipped pussy begging her to come back, but damn I want her to.
“I’m just folding my last load of laundry, then I was going to pick up Chinese food and head over. Is that alright?” This girl still doesn’t get that she is becoming my world.
“Doll, you can show up here at three in the morning and it would be fine. Hell yes, it is alright.” She giggles which causes me to adjust myself.
“Good to know. What do you like from the Chinese place?”
“I’ll eat anything. Get whatever.”
“Are you sure? There is nothing special you like?” I grin even though she can’t see me.
“Oh there is something special that I like, but she’s the one bringing the food so believe me it’s good.” I know without even seeing her that I caused her to blush. I fucking love it too.
“Alright. I’m going to finish up here, so I can leave. I’ll see you soon.”
“Okay. And doll, make sure you bring clothes because you’re sleeping in my bed again.” She clears her throat and I smile in victory.
“Okay, Cooper. See you soon. Bye.” We hang up and I go into my room to grab my guitar. I pull it out from under my bed and carry it into the living room. I sit down on the couch and pull it out of the case. I love this guitar, not only because my dad gave it to me, but because it also sounds amazing. I hold it in my lap and strum the chords making sure it is still in tone. It sounds perfect. I begin to play one of my own songs and I hum the words while I play. I wrote this song after I got sober. It’s about survival.
I continue to play getting lost in the music like I always do, until I hear a loud knock on the door. I carefully put my guitar down and go to open the door. Shit, Emma is standing there with her bags of Chinese food. “Shit. I’m so sorry. Have you been knocking long? I was playing my guitar, so I didn’t hear you,” I say as I’m grabbing the bags from her. She pushes up on her tiptoes and presses a kiss to my lips before walking in. I smile and kick the door closed.
“No, I wasn’t waiting too long. I did hear you playing, and holy shit, Cooper, it was amazing. You are so talented.” I actually feel proud when she gives me the compliment. She loves music as much as me, so hearing it from her means a lot to me.
“Thanks, doll.” I set the food down on the counter and grab plates. We fill them with more food than we will probably eat and head to the dining room. We talk and eat for a while. Even the simple things like eating dinner are enjoyable when it’s with her. After we finish, I take our plates to the kitchen. She washes the dishes while I put the food away. Once we are done, I grab a hold of her hand and lead her to the living room. We sit down on the couch and I pick up my guitar. “Alright doll, we are going to have your first lesson before I need to get to the bar.” She bounces on the couch with excitement, clapping her hands. I laugh at her, but I’m also happy she is excited to learn.
“Alright, so what do I need to do?” I give her a wink and strum a few chords.
“First, listen to me, to the chords. Watch my fingers. Then I’ll give it to you.” She has a huge smile on her face and looks right at my fingers. I begin to play the basic chords for her, so she can hear what they should sound like. I play them over several times until I think she might have a good idea. I look over at her when I stop and she is chewing her lip in complete concentration. I grin knowing she is going to pick it up easily. “You ready to give it a try?” She shakes her head excitedly.
“Yes, definitely.” I pass her the guitar and she holds it perfectly.
“You’ve never played before right?” She shakes her head ‘no.’ I nod and place her fingers on the correct strings. “This is E minor. Hold your fingers like that on the neck and strum like this.” I use my thumb to show her. She does it and it actually doesn’t sound too bad. “Good. Try again.” We go over it just a few times until I can tell she is comfortable with it because it sounds perfect. “Great. Now let’s try C major.” I show her the finger placement and this time she picks it up quicker. She looks over at me smiling.
“Cooper, this is amazing. Thank you.” I kiss her plump lips and continue our lesson. I get through all the basic chords: E minor, C major, G major, D major, A minor, E major, and A major. She played them all perfectly. I am busting with pride.
“Damn, Emma, you picked that up quickly. I wish we had more time, but I need to get down to the bar. Do you feel more comfortable now?” She carefully hands me the guitar.
“Yes. I was a little nervous to start, but I definitely feel like I’ve got the basic chords down.” Once the guitar is back in the case, she jumps on my lap and slams her mouth to mine. She tangles her hands in my hair and I move mine to her ass. When I taste her, my cock automatically gets hard. She is fucking addicting, like your favorite song that you could listen to a million times and never get tired of. That is what she is to me. She’s my favorite song.
We finally break apart both panting. “Damn, doll. You are amazing.” She blushes and my cock twitches. My phone picks that moment to ring. “Christ, are you kidding me?” I growl out. I hold onto her while I lean forward to grab my phone. “Hello?”
“Hey man.” I give Emma an apologetic face.
“Hey, Levi. What’s up man?” I can hear the sound of the tattoo machines, so I know he’s at work.