Page 14 of Cygny's Six
The sight shocked him for a moment. Of course as an undercover operative she would have had more than just a passing fancy with weapons. He’d just never seen her with one.
Now, he’d never ridden with anyone. He’d had a motorcycle before. He’d even offered to take her on a ride when he thought she was just an administrative assistant at the Naval Base. She’d shied away from the invitation, giving it a wide berth when she saw him with the motorcycle in the driveway of the complex.
With a half-smile, he gestured at the machine. “I bet the Loyalists know their way around motorcycles, ATVs, and trucks. But I doubt they’d have an interest in one of these.” He shook his head. “It would be their loss.”
Cygny took a step forward, but she was still a good three or four feet from the motorcycle. “Why not this one?”
His instinct was to question her right back and he shook off the need as soon as he could. For this to work he had to take her at face value. He’d give her a chance to prove one way or the other. What other choice did he have?
“A lot of bikes are rigged for sound. That heavy roar as it goes by. It’s a guy thing, some people say.”
Her smile was barely there and a little lopsided.
“This is an Indian Scout Sixty. A beautiful machine but quieter than most. Anyone seeing this on the road won’t think much of it. I doubt they’d see us as any kind of danger.”
She nodded, slowly. “They’ll just think we’re out for a fun ride.”
“Yeah.” He grabbed a helmet and handed it to her and then put the other on before he straddled the bike. “Ready?”
Leo turned and saw her hesitation.
Gesturing over his shoulder he grinned. “Get on.”
With a single nod she walked to the side of the motorcycle and put her hand on his shoulder before she swung her leg over to the other side of the machine.
Leo froze at the touch of her hand.
Even through the leather jacket he had on he could feel her hand as if she’d stripped him bare and touched him skin to skin.
Heat flared and seared straight to the center of his chest and down below his belt. It didn’t help that a moment later she scooted along the seat and her thighs touched the outside of his. It wasn’t an intimate touch in the least, but no one had managed to inform his dick.
It remembered her only too well. Just the touch of her leg against his was enough to bring erotic memories to the surface.
Before he could successfully fight down the memories assaulting him, she leaned forward and slipped her arms around him, flattening her palms against his chest.
“Is this okay?”
He heard her words muffled through the helmets they wore.
He nodded his head for a moment before he realized that she couldn’t hear a movement like that.
Turning his head toward his shoulder he called out. “Fine. That’s… fine.”
Righting the bike under them, he kicked up the stand and called out to her again.
“If we need to stop and refer to the map tap your hand against my chest.”
She tapped her hand against him, and he had to let out some of the breath he was holding in his chest. Just a simple touch from her was making his temperature rise. He thought it would be difficult working with her. Touching her? Having her touch him? That might be beyond his capabilities. Especially when his body didn’t seem to care that she’d put them through hell. It still wanted her naked and needy beneath him.
Pulling himself together, barely, he continued on.
“If we need to go right touch your hand to that leg.”
She did what he said, and his muscles tightened at the simple touch, flexing under her hand.
Leo knew that she’d felt the movement. She drew her hand back slightly, her fingers curling, and damn him, his body remembered all too well what it felt like to have her fingertips and her close clipped nails skimming across his flesh.
Before he could say… anything at all, he started the bike and headed for the road.
He needed the solitude of the road.
At least once they were out on the road, looking for Leslie, he could focus on that instead of the maddening touch of the woman at his back.
As he slowed near the edge of the property, he felt her hand leave his middle and gently tap his left leg to give him direction. His dick, just inches away, twitched and swelled leaving him aching from just one tap.
He was going to lose his mind or crash the bike if he couldn’t get himself under control.
Leo ground his molars together as the bike ate up the road under them. At first, he’d been pissed that Hank had assigned him to work with Cygny, but it made sense. The man wasn’t going to hire someone he can’t trust, and Leo was a grown man.
His dick didn’t control him.
He could make it work.
Theycould work.
Leo leaned into a curve in the road and her arms tightened around his chest as she pressed closer to his back.
He was going to lose his mind and go to sleep blue in the balls, but he would make it work.