Page 2 of Cygny's Six
On rotation.
Shaking her head, she laughed at herself and lifted the cover off of her curry eager to take a bite.
And that’s when her phone rang.
Lifting it from the desk she laughed, almost out loud, when she saw the name on the screen.
As in Morissey.
Accepting the call, Cygny grinned and tucked her feet up onto the seat of her desk chair. “Hey, Beck.”
“Cygny. Did I catch you at a good time?”
“A good time? Yeah, I guess. I was just about to eat.”
“Oh? Do you want me to call back?” She could almost see Beck tapping her foot on the ground. Cygny could hear the excitement vibrating through the phone. “If you’ve got a guest…”
“A guest? Did you forget who you were calling? I’m all but a hermit.”
“Still?” Beck sighed on her end of the phone. “Well, I’ve got something to ask you, but go ahead and eat while I talk.”
Cygny rolled her eyes. “I’m good. I can wait. The curry’s a little too hot anyway so I can let it cool down a little bit.” It wasn’t the truth. She just didn’t want to eat while on the phone.
Another one of her many hang ups.
Sad, but true.
“Okay, okay. Look, I have a possible job offer for you.”
Cygny focused on the two most important words that she’d just heard.
Job offer.
With her past those words could be a real crap shoot.
“What’s the offer?”
“Well, I just got through pitching an idea with Hank Patterson.”
Cygny’s brow furrowed in confusion. “Hank Patterson. He runs that Brotherhood Protector group, right?”
“I knew you’d be up to speed.”
Sighing, Cygny shook her head. “It’s kind of hard not to know who he is. Private security is a growing industry, and he knows his stuff. It doesn’t hurt that his wife is a gorgeous movie star. Talk about the perfect ‘face’ of the business.”
Beck agreed. “Having her on the cover of all the celebrity magazines and major newspapers doesn’t hurt.”
“And websites.”
Cygny swept her finger over the screen of her iPad and turned her face in its direction so it would open. With a few keystrokes she had a full array of articles and photos of Sadie Patterson and her gorgeous husband.
“Talk about a power couple.”
“That’s what I’m talking about. Sadie is just as important to the business as Hank is.”
Cygny would have argued the point but arguing with Beck was only going to make her friend dig in, so Cygny let it go.
“And I just met with him and pitched the idea of us working for him.”
Glad she had waited to eat, Cygny would have choked at the thought of working for Hank Patterson. The Brotherhood was just that, a group of men.
Sure, Sadie was their most famous face, but it was the men who worked each assignment.
“Are you sure this would work? It is called ‘Brotherhood.’”
Beck’s laughter was as much of a balm as it was irritating depending on the situation. In that instance, it was intriguing. “That was part of the pitch. We can bring things to the table that the men can’t.”
“And Hank Patterson agreed?” Cygny let out a breath she hadn’t meant to hold. The thought of going to work under a man made her gut twist into knots.
Of course he’d agreed, she argued with herself. That’s why Beck’s calling. Otherwise what kind of a job offer would she be talking about?
“Cygny? You’re already arguing with yourself about this, aren’t you?”
Turning to look out the window, Cygny sighed. “Am I that obvious?”
“No.” Beck’s sigh was an indulgent one. “I just know you.”
Cygny swallowed down the knot that formed in her throat. “Cynical Cygny. That’s me.”
“Of course he’s interested.” Beck was really trying to sell this.
The trouble was, Cygny wanted to believe in it too.