Page 40 of Cygny's Six
Roman’s expression went from confused to concerned. “They’re a good match as partners.”
“They’re a good match, period.” She shot back. “There’s just something unsettled between them.”
She narrowed her eyes at Roman. “What do you know?”
He smiled and leaned in for a kiss. “Do you honestly think that I don’t know there’s something between those two?”
Beck looked back at him silent.
“I don’t know what it is, but it hasn’t bothered me any.”
He shrugged and lowered his hands to her hips and drew her closer. “They’re both extremely good at their jobs. They do what needs to be done. Do I think they’re going to end up together?” His lips pursed together, and he made a half-shrug. “No idea, but if I thought it would affect their work, I would have come to you before now.”
She hesitated and then smiled. “Good. I’m glad we’re on the same page. Sort of.”
“Sort of?” He raised a brow at her. “What do you mean?”
“I think they’ll end up together.” She smiled at his cautious side-long glance. “If they don’t kill each other first.”
* * *
When Cygny walkedinside the Lodge, she walked right over to Beck. “Hey. What’s going on?”
Beck looked a little relieved. “Hey, you. I’m glad you came in first, I-”
The door opened again, and Leo walked in.
Beck looked surprised. “Wow. Did you two see each other in the parking lot?”
Cygny shook her head. “Leo was at my house when we got your message.”
“Okay.” Beck looked like she wanted to ask a question, but Roman came into the room and greeted them both.
Beck was left waiting until they were in the meeting room.
She shut the door behind everyone and crossed her arms. “What’s going on?”
Leo sat back in his chair and stretched out his legs, crossing his ankles. “Isn’t that our question for you?” He looked at Roman with raised brows before turning back to Beck. “So the ball is in your court.”
Cygny felt her cheeks heat. She wanted to be as ‘normal’ as Leo looked, but she really couldn’t manage it. Just a few hours ago Leo had her bent over, bracing her hands on her computer desk. Now, she was faced with Beck’s eagle eyes staring at her.
One look at her friend and Cygny knew there was no sense in hiding anything.
Beck’s knowledge of body language was more sensitive than Spiderman’s Spidey sense.
“You know she’s talking about us.”
Leo looked over at Roman. “Do you have questions too?”
Cygny reached out her hand and touched his arm. “Leo.”
She heard Beck’s indrawn breath and she hung her head. “Beck-”
“You two?”
Cygny didn’t answer her immediately, she looked back at Leo to see what he had to say.
Leo sat up in his chair so she could see him out of the corner of her eye, and he smiled at her before he sighed and looked at Beck. “We’re working things out.”
Beck turned to look at Roman and the two had a whole conversation in a look.
It ended with Roman tilting his head to the side and lifting his brows at Beck.
She turned to the table and woke up her iPad.
Turning it around she propped it up and showed them a picture.
“This is Special Agent Franks of the FBI. He came to us this morning to ask for you, Cygny.”
“Me?” Cygny looked at Beck and Roman in turn. “For what?”