Page 61 of Cygny's Six
Leo knewthat Cygny was angry.
And he was too, just for a different reason.
“I’m sorry.”
They both looked at each other at the same moment.
Then they both spoke again at the same time.
“What are you sorry for?”
Cygny looked like she was ready to throttle him, but he stayed still, leaning against the wall in their bathroom as she turned on the shower.
The room began to fill with steam moments later and she put her arm under the water to check the temperature. “It’s too hot.”
Cygny adjusted the heat and turned on him, her eyes watering with more than the fall from the large waterfall shower head coursing down between them. “Why are you still dressed?”
He wanted to answer her, but she didn’t need one or wait to see what he’d say.
She walked around the fall of water and took him by the hands, drawing him under its spray.
“Helena said she’d killed you and I worried that she was right.”
“She tried.” He pulled his hands free as he ducked his head down, letting the water course over the back of his head and body. “But I wasn’t going to make it that easy.”
“Yeah?” Cygny’s voice wavered a little. “I’m glad.”
He took her by the shoulders and brought her under his larger frame, shielding her from some of the water. “I made a mistake following her. She said that we had to leave and she’d show me the way. I had hoped to find a space where we could signal the team, but before we’d gone very far she injected something into my side.”
Cygny wrapped her arms around him and lay her cheek against his chest. “I saw the injector and I didn’t know what she’d given you. I didn’t have any way to get to you through them and he-”
Leo framed her face and lifted it so he could see her eyes. “It’s over now.”
She shook her head. “You could have died.”
“So could you.” He lay a hand on her shoulder. “We need to get you to a doctor to look at your arm.”
She shrugged off his touch. “If it had been bad, Beck would have said something.”
He chuckled and lowered his hand to hers. “Beck probably let you come in here because she thought you were going to kick my ass.”
When Cygny’s gaze locked onto his he could see that there wasn’t any humor in them. Instead, her eyes told an entirely different story. She pulled her hand free of his and reached up. With both hands, she undid the button on his shirt, spreading the halves open under the continuous rush of the water?.
Her hands caressed him as if she were memorizing every inch of his flesh.
From his sternum where his heart beat just beneath her touch to the high rise of his pecs and back down to the wall of his abdominal muscles. She explored him with her fingers and when she came back to the starting place, she placed her lips against his skin and kissed him.
“Fuck...” Leo lifted his hands and slid his fingers through her hair. She opened her mouth under his and he drank the water and the few remaining tears that had slipped down from her cheeks. He turned his head, pressing their cheeks together. “I didn’t think I’d get to you in time. I didn’t know what I’d do if I was too late.”
One hand reached the nape of her neck and twisted her hair behind her head.
Her gasp echoed on the walls of the shower and her hands reached for his belt.
He turned her head to place hot, wet kisses along the side of her neck and managed to bend her back enough that he could drink the water cascading down from her face.
He felt the belt pull tighter against him before it gaped open. The soft jingle of the metal tab against the belt buckle sent shivers up his back, but the instant he felt her pull the zipper down the front of his pants, all of those shivers were replaced with heat.
It burned through his veins and her hands, when they slipped inside of his pants and freed his cock, their touch almost sent him up in flames.
“Cyg-” He clamped his mouth down on her shoulder and felt her tense under his love bite. “Cyg, baby. I need to be inside you.”
They moved together, laying down on the granite tiled floor of the shower. She already had access to most of his body, but when she got down on her knees beside him, he would have given her his life. Her blouse was nearly transparent and the camisole beneath it was molded to her breasts.
He leaned back on his elbows and watched as she removed her blouse, button by button.
If he could have, he would have lifted her on top of him right there on the floor, but even with the heat filling the room from the shower he wasn’t quite back to his full strength, but he wasn’t going to miss the opportunity to feel her body surrounding him.
He’d walk through broken glass to feel that kind of heaven again.
When her shirt hit the floor, his heart pounded against his ribs. She looked like a water nymph rising up from the waves. She stood and worked her skirt and panties down her hips and let them fall to the floor in a thick, heavy slap of sound.
Still with her heels on, their buckles likely impossible to undo, she stepped over his prone body, straddling him in a way that made her look like a warrior woman from an old pulp-like movie.
As she lowered herself, she slipped one hand between her legs and parted her dark, raven-black curls and flicked at the tight bundle of nerves that he wanted against his tongue.
She must have seen the look in his eyes and that’s why she shook her head. “I’m not letting you use your mouth on me yet,” she managed a slow, indrawn breath, “I might smother you.”
He swore under his breath. “I’d die a happy man.”