Page 53 of Weaver
“Are you feeling any better?” I asked.
Roarke sipped the healing blend, nodding slowly. “Yes. Thank you so much. Closing the gate in such a rapid way takes more energy than I’m used to expending, but I’ll be fine.”
I wrapped my arms around my middle. It was the first time I’d ever seen Roarke affected by anything, and it scared me. “Do you know who is trying to access your magic?”
He shook his head, taking another swig of tea. “I have no idea.”
I paced the kitchen, not sure what to do with myself. “Besides monitoring the gate, is there anything else we can do?”
Roarke’s smile warmed. “Not that I know of. We just need to remain vigilant.”
I realized he was smiling because I included myself in the offer to help. And I wanted to. But as usual, I had no idea what to do. “What do you mean remain vigilant?”
“Just that we need to check on the gate daily and that our united presence will be needed in the dreamscape every night.”
My gaze dropped to the floor. He didn’t say he was upset by my absence the other night, but clearly it was an issue. “I already told you it won’t happen again.”
Roarke set down his cup and joined me in the kitchen, taking my hands in his. “Milly, as we talked about before, our combined magic will work in the dreamscape with or without you here. But I won’t lie. We are stronger together. So until I figure out what’s going on, it’s simply the safest bet.”
“Like… I need to stay here? Twenty-four hours a day? Won’t that cause a problem with my body in the real world?” I thought back to Jenks’s angry yowls after I’d slept for so long and wondered if his fear was for himself or for me.
“Normally, yes, a human body would atrophy and starve if not taken care of for long periods of time, but since you are my chosen queen, being here affects you differently. So you don’t have to worry. Nothing can harm your body in the real world as long as you’re with me.”
I knew his words were meant to comfort, but instead, a raging panic seeped deep into my bones. “Roarke, I can’t stay here all the time. I have a life to maintain in the real world too.” I pulled my hands from his, walking to stare out over the lake through the floor-to-ceiling windows at the back of the house.
The water calmed me but only slightly. Tonight its dark water churned with waves. Just like me. “I’ll be here every night, I swear. It’s the best I can offer, and I hope you understand.”
Roarke’s presence hovered directly behind me, his energy pressing against mine even though he didn’t reach out. “I understand. I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
I turned around, ready to explain that I didn’t need to leave right now, but all I saw was Roarke’s back retreating out the front door.
I ran after him, my feet pounding against the cold, hard dirt, but I couldn’t catch up. By the time I reached the clearing, he was gone.
I spun around, not sure what to do. He could have gone literally anywhere, and I had no idea how to find him. Or how to make amends. It seemed all I’d done since becoming his queen was upset the balance in some way—the complete opposite of what I was supposed to do.
Closing my eyes, I let my head fall back and listened to the wind. Blowing through the evergreens, its gentle whistle was like a siren’s song, pulling me back to my hereditary magic within.
A flare of power sparked in my gut, moving upward and into my chest. Energy flowed through my veins, pooling and throbbing all the way to my hands.
I opened my eyes and found the shadows and stars of my Weaver magic sparking to life between my fingers. And with a twitch of recognition, I knew exactly where Roarke had gone.