Page 70 of Until May (Until Her/Him)
When I reach the gym, people are already beginning to set up tables, and others are bringing in the decorations they made this week. I jump in and help get all the linens on the tables and then start helping to string the lights over the dance floor.
“Umm… who is that?” I hear one of the senior girls ask like she’s in awe, and I look around, then my heart does a funny thump when I see my guy standing in the open double doors at the front of the gym, talking to Toya. When she points my way, his eyes come to me and narrow. I don’t know what that look is about, but after the last few days it could be anything.
His mom is still attempting to talk Bridgett into going home and since Bridgett has been ignoring her phone calls and whatnot, she’s been all over Aiden trying to get him to talk to his sister. Something he’s refused to do.
“Hey, Sam, can you take over for me for a few minutes?” I call out to one of the boys that has been hanging sheer fabric around what will be the dance floor. He comes over to the ladder, holding it steady while I get down, then he takes the string of lights I’m holding and heads up the rungs with it.
When I turn around Aiden is there, and I hold myself in check so I don’t kiss him like I really want to. I’ve missed him today; really I miss him anytime I’m away from him for any length of time. “Hey, is everything okay?” I ask him softly while leading him toward a set of doors on one side of the gym so we can talk in private.
“You didn’t call.” He glances down at me as we walk through the door that leads to a hall, where the bathrooms and locker rooms are located. “It’s after eight, babe. I’ve called you about a thousand times and sent you a ridiculous amount of text messages, and then I walked in and found you up on a ladder.”
“I’m sorry. I didn’t think about it. I’ve just been so busy.” My brows drag together. “And what’s wrong with me being on a ladder?”
“It’s too high,” he mutters, and I roll my eyes.
“It’s a ladder. That’s kind of the point.”
“I still don’t like it, and I don’t like feeling freaked, wondering if you’re okay but worried I’ll seem crazy if I show up to check on you.”
“If it’s any consolation, I don’t mind you showing up to check on me.” I shrug, and he reaches out, touching my face with the tips of his fingers, and I cover his hand with mine. “Sorry you had to drive all the way over here. I should have called but time got away from me.”
“I get to look at you, so I don’t mind.” He smiles softly, and I start to lean in to him when his face lowers toward mine. With his mouth an inch from mine, I hear a noise like a door is opening, and the reality of where we are is like a bucket of ice water.
“Sorry.” I place my hands on his chest and drop back to my flat feet. “There’s tons of kids here helping out, so even if I think we’re alone, we probably aren’t,” I say quietly.
“So I can’t make out with you right now?”
I shake my head, feeling disappointed, and he laughs, running his finger between my brows.
“All right, how much longer do you think you’ll be here?”
“I’m not sure.” I let out a breath and look toward the doors that are closed, going over in my head what still needs to be done. “It will probably be another couple of hours before we’re finished.” I tip my head to the side as I meet his gaze. “Do you mind sticking around? We could use the help.”
“Sure.” He smiles softly, making me want to kiss him, and my nose wrinkles.
“Let’s get out there before you get me in trouble.” I spin on my heel and open the door, listening to him chuckle.
With him at my side, I walk to the middle of the gym and look up the ladder at Sam, realizing from here he really does look high up.
“I’m back if you want me to take over,” I call up to Sam, and he looks at me, then starts back down the ladder as I hold onto it for him.
“How about I take over?” Aiden suggests from behind me. I turn to face him, ready to argue, then think better of it when I see the look on his face. With one hundred percent certainty, I know he will not let me back up the ladder and would probably bodily remove me if I tried.
“Fine.” I sigh.
“Thank you, doll.” He reaches out, brushing his fingers across mine while his lips tip up in triumph.
“Just so you know, you didn’t win. I just don’t want to argue with you in front of all these people.”
“Noted.” He lifts his chin, and I turn to head across the room to where there’s a group of girls working on the photo display.
“Is everything okay?” Toya asks, coming over to join me as I stick tiny stars to the dark blue, almost-black paper that will be part of the photo backdrop.
“Yeah, he was worried because I didn’t call.”
“I really like him.”
“As I said before there’s a lot to like.” I hand her a pack of the stars so she can help me.
“You say that, but your face is saying something different.”
“That’s because I’m annoyed with him for being annoying,” I tell her, and as she laughs, I narrow my eyes on her. “He didn’t want me up on the ladder.”
“I wish I could tell you that makes him less likeable, but it absolutely does not.”
“Whatever,” I mumble, and she nudges her shoulder into mine.
“If you read that in a book, you’d be swooning all over the place.” I press my lips together, because she is not wrong. “You know I’m right.”
“Fine, you’re right, but he’s still annoying.”