Page 4 of Imperfect Affections
My mom’s gasp reaches me as if from afar. I’m disconnected from reality, unable to process what’s happening.
“Violet?” my mom says, putting the tray on the nearest table.
Leon’s bitter gaze holds a challenge. A warning.
“Yes,” I croak, tearing my gaze from Leon’s face and forcing brightness into my tone. “We decided to get married.” The words choke me. “Tomorrow.”
“Oh my goodness.” She places a hand over her heart. “Really?”
I can almost see the gears turning in her head as she tries to figure out why I’d say yes now when I’ve been opposed to the idea from the start.
“That’s crazy,” she says after a beat.
“We don’t want to wait,” Leon says. “What’s the point?”
My mom looks at me. “What about a wedding? A reception? It takes time—months—to arrange a proper ceremony.”
My answer is meant to be persuasive, but it sounds weak. “You know how I feel about ceremonies.”
Her eyebrows snap together, disappointment drawing lines around her eyes. When she married Gus, they had a huge wedding. She went for the whole shebang—white frills, lace, a three-tier cake, and a princess wedding dress. She wants nothing less for me.
Shaking her head, she asks, “Is this truly what you want, Violet?”
“Yes,” I say, another one of many lies.
I didn’t dream about a big, white wedding. I never wanted to get married.
My mom blinks a few times as she digests my answer.
“I’m sorry to interrupt,” Flora, says, approaching us with short, fast steps. “Would your guest like something to drink?”
My mom turns to Leon, assessing him while asking in a polished, friendly manner, “Would you like tea or coffee?”
“Coffee, please,” he says, meeting her gaze head-on like he has nothing to hide. “Violet has some things to pack.” He checks his watch. “I have business to take care of in town. We’ll have to leave in ten minutes. In the meantime, I’ll tell the moving company employees the misunderstanding has been cleared.”
“They’re in the lounge,” my mom says. “Please, go through.” Directing a pointed look at Flora, who’s observing our exchange with ardent attention, she continues, “Our housekeeper will serve your coffee there. I’ll go help Violet pack.”
“Good idea.” He inclines his head before walking to the lounge.
The minute he’s gone, my mom’s chest deflates. Taking my hand, she leads me up the stairs as fast as I can follow.
Once we’re in my room, she closes the door and whispers in an urgent tone, “Violet, what’s going on? He’s not Gus’s partner. The deal is off. If he’s forcing you into this, Gus will take care of it.”
Itmeaning Leon. What will Gus do? Fire him? More likely, he’ll shoot him. Does my mom ever think the consequences through, or does she consciously choose to ignore them?
“We can call Gus straight away,” she says.
“No.” I think quickly. “If I don’t marry Leon, Gus will only make me marry someone else, someone old or repulsive or someone who doesn’t really care about me. As you said yourself, Leon is kind to me.” It’s only half a lie because sometimes, he used to be. “Better the devil you know.” And devil is an accurate description. Leon is the devil reincarnated when you get on his wrong side.
She stares at me, her lips parting in surprise. “You’re serious about this.”
“I am.” I walk to the closet. “This is the best option for me.” Taking a bag from the bottom, I dump it on the bed. “The ceremony is tomorrow at the Department of Home Affairs in Randburg at three.”
Crossing her arms behind her back, she leans on the wall. She looks not only worried, but also defeated. She’s not even fifty and already beaten, her freedom and personality stifled. This is what the life she chose to save me did to her. This is my fate, what I’m destined to become, but if it means protecting her, I’ll do it any day.
“Will you come?” I ask, busying myself with packing my underwear.
She chews her lip. “Of course.”
“But what if Gus says no? What if he doesn’t want you to marry Leon any longer?”
If that happens, I’m screwed. “We’ll have to convince him.”
“If you marry in secret…”
She doesn’t have to finish the sentence. I of all people know what Gus does to people who betray and disobey him.
“We’re not going to do it in secret. Gus values Leon, no matter that he didn’t make him a partner. He said Leon was his best programmer, didn’t he?”
“But if he says no—”