Page 12 of Not Kissing Nick
Robin could hear every word Nick and the social worker had said. She'd heard the nerves in his words—and the conviction. Nova was watching Robin, a wary look on her face.As she listened, too.
There was no denying this was Nick’s daughter. "Sweetie, come here. Can I comb your hair? We can wash your face and hands, too.”
Nova just nodded solemnly, a look of mistrust in the Tyler-blue eyes. "I can't do my own hair yet. Miss Jude said she'd help me after we talked to this man. I think he's supposed to be my daddy."
"He is your daddy. And you have cousins that look very much like you. But they are grown-ups now.”
"Does he have other kids, too? Mommy said my daddy droved away and never came back. Probably making kids everywhere, ’cause he liked them so much and wanted so many even though she didn’t. She just wanted Noah, not me.”
That didn't sound like the Nick she knew at all. "I'm sure it was a bit more complicated than that. I know he's a very nice man. He'll take good care of you. And I bet your mommy wanted you so, so much."
She just watched Robin.
Robin held out a hand. "How old are you, sweetheart?"
“I’m Nova Lynn Brown. I am six and a half, Noah said."
"Noah? He is your brother?"
"Yes. He takes care of me. Well, he did. Before Mommy went to the heaven place.” Solemn eyes turned toward Robin now. "Now no one does. Except Mr. Snuggly."
"Well, I think that is about to change." Robin pulled Becky’s brush from the bag—and the small bottle of detangling spray that was absolutely needed. "This is a special hairbrush. Designed to get tangles out of little girl hair. My little girl has curly hair, too. She’s almost three. Hers is not as curly as yours, but it’s close. You have very beautiful hair." Or it would be—once it was better taken care of.
"Mommy called it a horrible rat's nest. She pulled. Most of the time, Noah brushes my hair. Then he makes me toast for breakfast. With purple jelly. Before.”
"Noah sounds like a great big brother to have."
And Nick was going to get him. Bring him to Masterson to keep.
Nick had just taken a massive blow to the soul that no one could truly understand how to handle.
Parenthood definitely wasn't easy. He was about to get a trial by fire.
"He is. Did Noah go to the heaven, too? No one really said, and I didn’t want to make Miss Jude mad by asking her like I did the last lady.”
"No, honey. He's just not here right now. But Miss Jude will answer questions about that, I'm sure. Come here. You sit right here on my lap and we'll get those tangles out."
She was brushing Nova's hair when Nick came out. The little girl started trembling. Robin leaned forward. "He is really nice. He likes puppies and kittens. And strawberry ice cream is his favorite. Sometimes he puts M&Ms in it. You don't have to be afraid anymore. I promise. You are safe here with your daddy now. And you have a big family who will love you very, very much. I promise."
She turned and threw herself against Robin's chest. Sobbing.
Robin's own eyes filled.
Nova was just a baby.
Too young to be so alone in the world.
Robin just held the little girl and rocked.
Nick didn’t know what to do. Yes, he’d dealt with crying little girls before. But as Nova clung to Robin and cried, he didn’t know what to do at all.
Robin just rocked her, holding her close and secure. Somehow, like she had some sort of magic, Robin had Nova calming.
Nick needed to do something. “Here, sweetie. It’s going to be ok.”
Big Tyler-blue eyes still filled with tears looked at him.