Page 19 of Not Kissing Nick
“Nova’s waiting for you.” Linsey smiled at him again. “I promise.”
“Where? Did you find our uncle?”
“No…” She paused a moment. He waited, sure she was going to lie to him. She had to be.
Nova was gone. Someone who wanted a little kid had probably taken her already. Nova was really good. She always did what Noah told her and stuff. She was smart, too. And she liked to give hugs. Even if his mom said she had clown hair and funny eyes and was too clingy. Someone would want a kid like her, right?
“Do you remember your mother’s friend Nick from when you were little? Four or so?”
“Sort of. My mom had a picture of him and a big semi in her stuff. But she got mad when we looked at it. Why?” Noah had been in the photo. Holding his toy ball mitt and grinning. The guy had been holding him off the ground in one arm. Like he actually liked Noah or something. They’d been at a real baseball park. Like they’d watched the game together or something.
He half remembered hot dogs and hard plastic seats.
He’d looked at that picture before and tried to remember that guy. But he couldn’t. He didn’t think.
“Nick is Nova’s father, Noah. His name is Nick Tyler, and he didn’t know your mother was pregnant with Nova. For some reason, she never told him about your sister. We were able to find Nick this morning. We took Nova to her father today. As soon as he realized you weren’t with her, he started asking about you. He was really worried. And he wants you to come live with them, too.”
All Noah could hear was one thing: Nova.
“I’m going to get to see my sister?” He just wanted to know where she was, to know she was ok. That someone was taking care of her, like he used to.
“You’re going to go live with your sister, sweetie. I’m here to make that happen tonight. Forever.”
Noah burst into tears like a great big baby.
Right there in the middle of McDonald’s. Snot streaming down his face and everything.
He was going back to Nova. So that she didn’t have to be alone.