Page 23 of Not Kissing Nick
To his everlasting gratitude, Robin called Phil’s fiancée and explained what was going on. They agreed to bring her kids home by nine.
Robin informed him she was just five blocks south through the back alley.
Nick told himself he’d be ok—reinforcements were two minutes away. Less at a run.
He was such a big baby tonight. They were just kids. He knew what he was doing with kids. He was the favorite Uncle Nick, after all. All his nieces and nephews supposedly loved him.
Robin was sticking close to Nova, which Nick greatly appreciated.
Nova was still sleeping soundly when Martin returned with groceries, and long after the rest of his nephews had left—almost as quickly as they had shown up.
They were like a swarm of worker ants, those boys. In less than six hours he had an almost fully furnished house, full cabinets and refrigerator, and someone had found a washing machine and dryer that fit the back laundry room just fine. The twins had had it installed almost before he’d realized what they were doing.
The blankets and sheets Robin had bought for Nova were drying now, and the ones she’d bought for Noah were in the washing machine, at the moment.
The ones she’d had Martin buy for Nick on his way to the grocery storewere next in line.
He hadn’t realized she’d done that, but damn, did he appreciate it. Tonight, he was going to sleep in an actual bed again.
He’d need the rest. He had two kids to take care of, after all.
Robin had everything organized and going efficiently from the moment she’d stepped in the door.
She was his goddess. His heroine.
Nick would be drowning without her.
Nova woke. She’d wanted Robin to hold her. Somehow, Robin got her to the bathroom. Where she instructed Nick on exactly how to help his daughter with her bath.
Nova’s hair terrified him.
Fortunately, Robin washed it twice, getting it squeaky clean.
Then, when his daughter was dried off and dressed in cartoon-covered pajamas, Robin taught him how to brush and braid the long red hair.
Well, he could handle the braid, but the brushing…terrifying. “Don’t braid it too tightly at night, or it can cause the hair to break. But you want it braided, or it’ll be tangled when she wakes up. And that’s not fun. Plus, it’ll take a while to brush if it’s tangled.”
Nick just nodded and listened to the lesson closely.
Robin had this whole parent thing figured out. She had become his goddess of motherhood, after all. Another car pulled into the driveway.
Noah was there.
He looked at Robin, wondering what he should do next.
Robin grabbed him by the hand and tugged before letting go. “Remember: you are his stability now. Best start as you mean to go on… Dad. No time like the present.”
Dad. Never had he heard three more terrifying letters than D-A-D.