Page 34 of Not Kissing Nick
Somehow, in the span of thirteen hours, Robin had become Nick’s how-to guide on parenting. His Phone-A-Friend? His Lifeline?
Whatever it was, it had happened.
Not exactly what she had ever anticipated. “Get them up. Feed them breakfast. Do something fun, just the three of you. Don’t overwhelm them with a bunch of new people, though. All the grown-up, responsible, parent things can wait a day or two. Tomorrow…is just for the three of you. I think you can handle yourself just fine. But…there are going to be wild emotional swings, Nick. It comes with the grief. Just be prepared. You’ll get through it just fine. In time. Lots and lots of time.”
“This was not what I imagined calling you for when I thought about it this morning, by the way.”
“Why would you need to call me? I’m in the office right next to yours. You can see every move I make.” And he’d watched her, too. She’d be lying to herself if it hadn’t given her just the littlest bit of a thrill to know that superhot man had been watching her all week long.
And liking what he’d seen.
“Yes, but a man shouldn’t ask a woman out when they are at work. Makes a bad impression.”
“You were planning to ask me out?” Butterflies started in her stomach even at the thought.
“I was planning a lot more than asking you out. I spent most of the week trying to think of ways to convince you to give me a chance. But…plans changed fast today.”
“Yes. Children do have a habit of doing that, don’t they?” One hand went to her cheeks. Felt the heat there.
Because Nick Tyler had been strategizing ways to ask her on a date.
“So…what would you have said if I’d asked? Inquiring minds want to know.”
“I think you have enough to worry about right now with the kids, don’t you?”
“Let me have my dreams, woman. Let me have my dreams.”
She almost asked him if she was in his dreams. But Robin wasn’t that crazy. That was the last thing she was going to ever ask him. “Good night, Nicholas Tyler. Get some sleep tonight. You’re going to need it.”