Page 4 of Not Kissing Nick
Nicholas Tyler. In the flesh.
Some flesh just got better with time.It totally wasn’t fair. She’d thought of him through the years. More than she’d wanted to admit. Imagined him getting a paunch and a receding hair line.
Yeah, that hadn’t happened.
Nick looked even better than he had before.
Every Tyler had red in their hair; Nick was no exception.His eyes were still that dark blue that she had never forgotten.His shoulders still broad and muscled.
He was three or four inches over six feet, tall and strong. He had almost fourteen inches on her.
Nick had always seemed larger than life.
Maybe he had been. Hotly intense, determined to get out of Masterson for a while, to build a life for himself that wasn’t ranch related. Wild and rugged and just a little bit too dangerous for the tame life that was Masterson.
A woman would burn up in flames if Nick Tyler even looked at her.
Robin had been no exception. None at all.
Her first crush at fifteen had been on Nick Tyler. Her first kiss had been Nick, when she’d been all of eighteen and a half.
It had taken all the courage she possessed to kiss him that day.
He’d shot her down, fast. Saying he was too old for a child like her.
The last thing she was going to do was allow herself to get distracted from her plans by her still too-hot new boss.
It wasn’t fair that he looked like that. Broad shouldered, hard chested, strong—it was obvious Nick had taken care of himself in the last two decades.
Either that or time had been really, really good to him.
She suspected it was that—every Tyler man she’d ever met was far too good looking for a woman’s own good.
He didn’t deserve it. She just knew he didn’t.There had to be an inner troll inside him somewhere. Something that would make a man like him still be unmarried and free to the first woman to snap him up.
Not that Robin was the type to snap anyone up. Even if she’d wanted to.
Marriage had cured her of romance forever, after all.
As he settled into the office behind her desk, with the door partially opened in case she had questions, Robin sat at her desk and remembered.
Tried to come up with a game plan where her new, far-too-hot-to-be-real boss was concerned.
His nephew Chandler was, as her best friend Rory would say, too delicious to be real—but he was just a younger, less-seasoned version of Nick. She’d thought that the first time she’d met Chandler.
When he’d told her that the uncle he worked so closely with was Nick,her heart had dropped straight to her gut, as she’d remembered.
Phil hadn’t told her Nick was back.
Nick was going to be dangerous. There was no denying that.
She needed a real plan. Number one—she wasn’t going to be as foolish as she’d been twenty years ago.
That meant absolutely no kissing Nick.