Page 54 of Not Kissing Nick
"Why don't we take the kids with us?" Glenna suggested, a sly tone in her voice that had Robin side-eying her. "We brought two cars. We even have room for your tagalong, if you want."
"Or, I could drive her car, with the kids." Rory offered. She had a conniving look on her face Robin recognized—Rory was plotting against her.
Both of them were.
"And how would I get there?"
"Easy. Nick can drive you," Glenna added. Oh, the two of them were definitely plotting against her. No denying that. "That would work out the most...efficiently."
"We all know how much you love efficiency," Rory added snarkily.
But it was Nick’s grin that sealed the deal.
She was about to get eaten by the lion here. And unlike that ancient Daniel—she wasn’t certain she was going to be able to get out.
They knew exactly how to manipulate her, the two of them. No doubt about that.