Page 57 of Not Kissing Nick
Sunday had been a great day with the people who mattered most. But there was no way Nick was going to survive school again.
He'd barely survived Masterson County Consolidated School District when he'd been a kid. Doing it again with two kids was not something he was looking forward to. But he dutifully woke both kids and got them ready, fed them breakfast, and loaded them into the car.And made the far-too-short drive to the place of torture his children would be held captive five days a week.
"I don't know why we have to go to school," Noah finally said. "Patton doesn't."
"Patton's sister homeschools him, Pete and Parker. That is not something I can do," Nick said. Hell, no, he couldn't homeschool the kids. He would, if he had to, but the idea of having to come up with what they'd need to learn? No. That was not his thing.
Even though his brother Phil and his family had homeschooling mastered and down to a science. Phil had everything mastered and down to a science. He always had.
Nick shuddered even thinking about it.That was one aspect of parenting he definitely didn’t want to have to face.
He had an appointment with Nova's principal first. Noah was going to have to tag along. Nick thought that would work out best, anyway. Noah would want to know where his sister was each day and who was taking care of her, he suspected.
The principal gave them a quick tour of the updated elementary school. Nova just clung to Nick’s hand. His little girl was terrified of this place. She tugged on his hand, something she did when she wanted his full attention. He stopped walking outside the multipurpose room and knelt down. "Yes, baby?"
The first bell rang overhead. She flinched. He almost scooped her up and carried her out of there that instant. Only sanity had him stopping. Nova needed to be in school. He needed to get to work. They needed the routine. The sense of...normal. "What if the kids are mean here?"
"I don't think they will be. And Noah will be at the school right next door."
"But Evey and Emmy aren't here." The lower lip trembled. Breaking Nick's heart completely.
"No. And you'll get to see them again. I promise. And you'll get to make new friends with the other kids. Some of them were at church yesterday. You liked them, right?"
She slowly nodded.
Doors opened. Kids came running in for the day. They were everywhere. Nova was so small. She was going to get trampled. Nick fought the urge to scoop her up and get her out of there once again.
"Hey, Nick!" someone said behind him. He looked over his shoulder.
Robin's boys were there. A beautiful redheaded woman right behind them. Becky rode on her mother’s hip, one tiny finger poked into her drooly mouth.
Nick stood. "Robin..."
"Hi, guys. I'm just dropping off cookies for Wesley's class today. Then I'm dropping Becky off on Glenna before heading in."
Nova ran to her and wrapped her arms around Robin's waist. "I don't wanna go. But Daddy says I have to. Don’t make me go, Robin. Please."
She passed Nick her daughter, like it was the most natural thing in the world. The elementary principal waited patiently. Robin knelt down. "I know it's scary. It was for Wesley and Philip when they started three weeks ago. But they like it now."
"Wesley and Philip will be here, too?" Nova eyed the twins suspiciously.
"Yes. Wesley's classroom is right here. Philip's is across the hall and down one door."
"Nova's will be right here. Next to Wesley’s," the principal said helpfully. "Her teacher is Ms. Talley."
"Well, that's great," Robin said brightly. "She was Noah's teacher at church yesterday. She's really nice. Her sister was your teacher yesterday. Ms. Dusty. And I know there are three little girls from church in your grade this year."
"Can't I just go to work with you and Daddy today? I'll be really good, I promise."
Nick didn't know what to do now. Not even for a moment. He shot Robin a look that he knew had to tell her just that. As he fought the panic.
Nova had the power to make him panic faster than any other female on the planet. Hands down.
"I need to speak with Noah's principal in ten minutes," he said quietly.
Robin just nodded, holding Nova close. "Would it be ok if I went in with her for a few minutes, Mrs. Toney? Nova and I are good friends. Becky and I would be happy to sit in her classroom with her, while Nick speaks with Noah's principal. Just for a little bit, then I have to go help her daddy with the truck stuff at work."
"I think that would be just fine. Just let me have a word with Ms. Talley and let her know we get a new student today, too."
Once again, Robin had become his goddess.
He was half in love with that woman, no doubt about it.