Page 69 of Not Kissing Nick
She was exhausted, Rory was exhausted, the kids were exhausted—and Nick was most certainly plotting something.
Robin was almost convinced Phil was involved up to his blue eyeballs in it.
After she got Becky ready for bed, she turned to one of her guaranteed allies. “The man is plotting something.”
“No kidding. I’d say he’s got a list of fantasies he’s looking for you to fulfill.” Rory collapsed on the couch. “How do you do it with three little humans running everywhere? And you’ve added two more to the mix. Come to think of it, so did Glenna, if you count Phil’s younger boys. Five kids…that’s insane. I’m glad Keaton’s two kids were a bit older when we married. I’m totally exhausted.”
She didn’t look it.
Rory had turned heads today. Martin, Phil’s oldest nephew, had spent a good deal of time today flirting with Rory. Rory had flirted back. There had been several in the Hollywood crowd who had been interested, too.
Rory had danced with every single one of the Davis brothers, too. Wow.
Well, so had Robin for that matter. And Rowland Bowles.
The great Hollywood director had helped her yank Nick’s chain good and hard. She’d barely had time to dance with Nick at all.
Rory was so beautiful. Maybe knowing stunningly attractive men had found her just as attractive would give her constant lack of self-esteem a vacation.
Keaton Price had done a real number on Rory, that was for sure. How could he not? He’d slept with more women after they’d gotten married than he had before. “Martin seemed…intrigued. You interested?”
“Hmmm. Not really. I mean, he’s got that Masterson County Tyler yumminess down pat. But Charlotte told me weeks ago that that man is head over heels for a woman here in town—though she refused to tell me who. I’m not interested in being second best. Or chasing after any man, really. Nope. No chasing for me. Besides, nothing could come of it. He’s building a business here—and I got things going for me in Finley Creek. But…he sure was fun to dance with.” Rory opened one eye and peeked at Robin. “But it’s his look-alike uncle who is the real question. What are you going to do about him? Because that man…is planning to peel you naked real soon. Have you decided how you are going to respond to that?”
“Not even for a moment. The last time I was…pursued… it didn’t turn out too well.”
“Two different men. Doug had some serious self-confidence issues that led to massive control tendencies. Nick…doesn’t come off like that at all. He’s as confident as Doug was insecure.”
“Which presents its own set of challenges.”
Things worked out when a person worked hard and made them work out. That was what the world had taught her long ago. Nick was different. In every regard. He just trusted that things would be ok. No matter what.
“I don’t know what I am supposed to do about him.”
“Probably isn’t easy working with him right now, either.”
“He has kissed me in the office a few…dozen…times. I somehow never seem able to push him away, either. Damn him. He said…said he’s waited twenty years to finish what I started all those years ago.”
Rory sat up and leaned forward. “And just what was it that you started twenty years ago?”
“I had a crush. He thought he was too old. He was on leave from the military at the time. This was at the same time the old sheriff was harassing me, too. Right before I left town. And I came on to Nick. He’s the one and only man I have ever practically thrown myself at, by the way. I thought…he wasn’t interested back then. Now, looking back…he didn’t exactly push me away right away. Far from it, actually.”
“So he could mean it when he says he’s waited this long? I mean, reasonably? He’s not been pining for you, or anything?”
“Yes. I suppose. I mean, no. No pining. And…oh, Rory, I’m not the kind of woman men pursue like this. That men want. I’m just the convenient, old-pair-of-slippers type.” Just like she’d been for Doug. A trained puppy ready to serve his needs, no matter what.
Because she’d thought she’d loved him.
“You’re talking baloney. You are gorgeous, funny, smart, and intriguing. Nick sees that. I say…send the kiddies to Glenna’s for a few days, and let him peel you out of your clothes. It’s been long enough for you, Robbie. You deserve a man who sees you for the special woman you are. Doug was beyond selfish. You just didn’t see that because selfish is the exact opposite of your wheelhouse. And by the time you did, you had the boys and did your best to make it work. Even when Doug just tried to control. Can you imagine what it would be like if you were with a man who worked at a relationship as hard as you did with Doug? Like Phil is with Glenna. I mean, if she hadn’t snapped that man up so quick, I would have to fight her for him. He is the epitome of a good man. I suspect his brother’s not too far off that mark, himself.”
Robin didn’t know exactly what to say. She felt the same, too.
And that terrified her down to her size-seven pumps.
“I thought I was past this kind of turmoil in my life when I buried Doug.”
“Yeah, Doug was not the good kind of turmoil, but I suspect Nick Tyler is the exact opposite. So…why are you not out there somewhere kissing Nick right now? I can watch the kids, if you want to go on a booty call with your boss…”