Page 72 of Not Kissing Nick
Nick’s plans were progressing perfectly. He was almost whistling when Robin pulled into her driveway after church. He’d forgotten to pack the kids’ spare clothes, and Robin had to go back to her place before lunch at Phil’s to grab the little crockpot soldiers she probably had lined up on her counter. This time she’d made homemade macaroni and cheese. The soldiers were dutifully waiting.
He loaded her crockpots into the rear of her van. “We’ll run by my place, grab the kids some clothes to change into and the ball mitts, and we’ll roll. But first…”
He scooped the woman he wanted close, right there behind her van. The kids were still in their seats, waiting impatiently. He could almost hear the twins bickering over something.
“Nick…” Her mouth trembled. Her eyes went soft. He loved it when she looked like this—when she knew she was about to be kissed.
He wanted to kiss her a hell of a lot more. Like for a lifetime.
He reminded himself to be patient.
Robin had a whole lot more hurt than he did to work through, where love was concerned. And even he had some severe bruises.
Speaking of…his daughter had been acting more reserved than she ever had before. He backed away from Robin for a moment. “Do you think Novie’s ok?”
“I think she has something on her mind. You’re going to have to talk to her. Soon.”
“Let’s grab the kids’ stuff, and get to Phil’s. I’ll talk to her there. Maybe we can walk up to the barns and see the baby goats, just me and her. She likes them.”
“Good idea, Daddy. Now…let’s get moving.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
He unlocked his front door and stepped inside.
Only to be greeted by a two-inch puddle of water coming from the hall bathroom.
And getting even bigger.
He swore and swung the bathroom door open.
The floor was a mess and it wasn’t stopping. There had to be three or four gallons of water on the floor. Probably more.
It was a brand-new toilet. Martin and Chandler and the boys had completely remodeled both bathrooms after the previous renters had left.
This shouldn’t have happened.
He hurried to the water shut off valve and killed the water.
Just as Robin and Becky stepped inside.
Nick just looked at her. In utter horror. “Please tell me you aren’t bringing her inside to potty? Because…I don’t know if it was the ancient Noah who did this or someone much, much younger…but…I think we’re talking great flood here.”
Robin’s eyes widened. “Hang on!”
She hurried back outside.
When she came back in, she was missing Becky. Nick was already grabbing towels to form a barrier around the mess to keep it from getting even more into the living room. They had carpet in there.
Brand-new carpet he did not want to have to replace.