Page 80 of Not Kissing Nick
Her fingers wanted to just grab him and hold on.
"Probably something crazy." He pulled her even closer.
"You should be…the floor…it’ll be expensive…oh, Nick…”
"I don’t care what it costs. Right now…I have you. And there are no kids around us now…I...can't afford to let you go right now..." One hand slipped into her hair. Cupped the back of her head.
"You are insane..."
"Maybe...but I do know one thing…I am not too old for you now..."
Then his lips were on hers and Robin lost all ability to even breathe.
It was a long, long time before they surfaced for air.
If Glenna hadn’t called and told her they were fifteen minutes away and were going to stop to grab the kids a gallon of ice cream, they would have been in some serious trouble.
Robin’s clothes were still on the dining room table at that point, for heaven’s sake. But as she hurriedly dressed, she knew one thing—she’d be kissing Nick a lot from now on. Because being with the man just felt right.
Like this was exactly what she was supposed to do now. Forever.